I Believe Stem Cell Treatment Cured My Erectile Dysfunction!

I took Finasteride a while back. And as in most cases, it gave me severe erectile dysfunction. I suffered through this episode for a very long time. I thought at the time that I was going to stay like this forever, not being able to please a woman sexually. I really lost all hope. But, it wasnt until I came across info on stem cell treatment. At first, I thought it wasn’t going to help. But, the doctors were very forthcoming about what to expect.

I traveled to germany to have it done. I was confident and very hopful - thinking positive does help. Heres what happened after treatment. In 2 months after treatment, I was able to get erections in the evenings. About a month later, I was able to experience full erections in both the mornings and evenings. A month later after that, and to my surprise, I was able to get erections at will. This is truly a miracle. The health of my penis has returned to normal thanks to the stem cell doctors in Germany. My only gripe about this is, why we dont have this treatment here in the US.

I hope this gives all of you hope that theres help in the form of stem cell treatment. Its just that you got to travel to Europe to get it. But, so what? Its well worth it! I wish everyone luck, even if you dont decide to get stem cell treatment. I guess, whatever floats your boat. I feel like a while new man, and not like a broken one… I’ll never take finasteride again in my life!

why dont you provide some more details into your treatment, experience after taking finasteride, etc. greatly appreciated

No offense, but this being your first post without any history on who you are, making big claims but small on details/extremely vague in terms of treatment, makes it a bit suspicious.

Stem cell therapy? This is still a cutting edge research area. Pls provide reference to this info you are talking about as it pertains to our situation.

What doctors are you referring to? Names, location, qualifications, practice areas (endocrinologists? urologists?)?

That’s great and all, but “thinking positive” does not reverse gynecomastia, penile shrinkage, decreased semen volume and other physical manifestations of persistent Finasteride side effects.

Describe the treatment in DETAIL please, rather than some vague concept.

Recovery 2 months after quitting drug could be a normal process as expected upon discontinuation of the medication – some people take more than a few weeks to recover erectile function again.

I’m sure there will be a link to the “stem cell therapy center” at some point in your response, which will drive traffic there from desperate users to these doctors. I hope your post is not an attempt at an underhanded sales pitch. We’ve had people post this type of stuff before in the past, under the guise of wanting to “help” people, but in reality all they were trying to do is drive traffic to websites that sell products or services, in order to take people’s money – typical spam tactics, which are not tolerated around here. There are a lot of desperate people on this site looking for a fix to our problems, and those that try to take advantange by offering snakeoil salesmen products/services are the lowest of the low. Note I’m not saying that’s what’s happening here (yet), so will reserve judgement until such time you provide further details per the questions myself and others have asked, that what you are stating is even believable.

You haven’t even outlined what your treatment involved. Until you do, this post, considering its your first, is devoid of any useful information and may be interpreted as a disguised sales pitch/setup, for I’m not sure what yet.

Please do us all a favor and post a detailed history using this template: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=371

Then, answer the questions above and describe in detail what this process involves. From there, people will be able to better understand what exactly you are talking about, if it even exists or otherwise.

Im IN FAVOR of stem cell research but your post is suspiciously lacking in detail. So far the only thing that rings true is that your an advocate of stem cell research.
I’ve seen and spoke with many doctors who treat PFS and none of mentioned any use of “stem cell therapy” in any countries. People who post here for economic gain or political agenda are lower than Merck. I too ask you for more details if this is indeed true.

He may be talking about the xcell centre.

See here specifically;


Which will cost…

This does seem to have some potential. I can imagine many of our members booking tickets even as i write this…

But what of the other effects of Finasteride? Loss of libido, brain fog etc etc. I’m not working for this place btw but they also treat brain ilnesses…

We are awaiting his response on all of the above, so let’s see what he has to say.

Would see it might help rebuild tissue, etc. But I also do not see how it could effect libido.

You know, at first I was going to answer your questions, especially when you mentioned, “…no offense” in the beginning. But, looking through the rest of your post, you really sound like someone who’s extremely negative in life. I take offense at what youre trying to imply. I dont appreciate your post at all. I came here to help others. NOT meet your standards or be disrespected. Seriously, I dont care to discuss answering your questions at all. You need to be positive and respectful. I came across 2 people in my life that didnt believe my story. You sound just like them. And you know what? You all sound exactly the same.

For the rest of you who would like for me to share my story, I’ll do that. But I cant answer questions from anyone who becomes disrespectful and thinks that I’m here to make money from this or “market” some clinic, like Mew implies. I’m not here to fight, I’m here because I’m happy that a treatment went well for me and changed my life and I want to share that story. Mew, if you dont like this thread, skip it over, thats all… simple.

One more thing, Mew… recovery after 2 months from taking finasteride DID NOT come about in my case. As a matter of fact, I waited more than a year in frustration and NOTHiNG happened. So, I dont know what youre talking about or smoking. And this is NOT my first time on this forum under this name.

Sure… After taking finasteride for a few months, I complained to my doctor about its effects. He mistakingly said that my side effects were normal but temporary. So, like an idiot, I believed him and continued taking it. These side efects were blurry vision, ED and dizziness. I went back to the doctor and complained of my biggest issue which was ED. At this time, I stopped taking it for 3 weeks before I went to see this doc again. He sat there and said that penile function shouldve returned and that what I was going through was mental. After unsuccessfully trying to reason with him, I got so damn angry that I left his office. How in the hell is my case mental when NOTHING mentally disturbing happened in my life? Whats wrong with this guy? Trust me, it wasnt mental.

This was the WORST time of my life. I thought no girl would understand me at all. But, I did meet a beautiful girl that understood me. I told her about it and she was understanding, God bless her. I started taking cialis. It worked for a while but after a month, nothing. I then took viagra. Same deal… it only lasted a month and a half before it failed. My girlfriend left, not because of the ED or failed response of the meds, but of something totally unrelated. However, her departure made me more depressed and my ED worse.

So, thats when I searched the net for options. I came across a clinic that I told you about. At first, I was very skeptical. I even thought it was too experimental for me. I thought it only treated ED as a symptom of a main disease. My sister even tried to talk me out of it. But, I did my research (which I highly recommend you guys do before opting for stem cell treatment or any treatment). After much researching for several weeks of coffee-drinking nights until the am hours, I thought about taking the risk and traveled to europe.

My stay was alright. The doctors were cool. I talked to one and comfirmed with with him info and medical history that I emailed about previously. He made sure that my kidneys were fundtioning. We went into a room. He removed stem cells from my bone marrow - it hurt slightly, not much. He then used a catheter containing my cells and injected it into the top of my inner leg, NOT directly into my penis, thank God! But trust me, if I’d thought this would involve a penile injection, I wouldnt have gotten the treatment. The procedure took a bit over an hour - I hated so much waiting that long, but thats how long it was - like an eternty. Recovery in the clinic was 5 hours. I was there a few more days before returning to the states. When I got here, I felt slight discomfort in my leg. Dont know why. It was weird because I didnt feel that before in germany. But it went away after 2 days. Anyway, the rest is history.

I got to say this though. Even though I had a good experience from this, I dont want you guys to think that it was a piece of cake. Overall, it was. But the price I paid for this outside the price tag for the procedure was weeks of sleepless nights researching online; battles with my sister and family about going through with it; time alone dabating with myself; and, going to a good (and therefore, expensive) urologist and taking urological tests to determine the state of my erectile dysfunction. Hope you guys benefit from this. But if I were you, I’d look at other options out there also. And I wouldnt rush into this without first researching the pros and cons. Good luck!

I will NOT say where I got this treatment. And it wasnt xcell. Sorry dude, thats for you to find out.


wow… I cant believe you said that countries dont provide stem cell therapies. You want details? Guess what… you wont get them from me. Like Mew, I think youre a hater. I only provide info to those who respect me. I never disrespected or judged you. So far, you and the other guy have implied that I’m a scam artist which isnt true. If you want to coninue beleiving that though, go right ahead. If thats the case, then why are to talking to one you think is one?


not buying it yet. Stem cell research is still far from perfected. It’s too easy for these cells to morph into cancer instead of the intended target…

This guy is a troll and a shit one at that.

Ban him immediately.

I could understand where youre coming from. But, I think the cells youre referring to that change into cancer are embrionic cells from a donor. My cells were not embrionic, they were taken from my own body. I know this cuz my doctor explained it to me.

Like I said before, research this very well before diving into it. I dont want to give the impression that this is easy to understand or that it was an easy decision for me. Its all up to you.

Ah I see… youre depressed for life cuz you cant get a hard on. And youre more frustrated that someone was healed of something that you got that keeps you from pussy.

Enjoy your sexless life, loser.

Did you have any penile tissue changes? Did the therapy reverse it? How do they target the cells for the penis?

I don’t buy it either. Stem cells wouldn’t solve all of the problems caused by the damages of propecia. There are mutiple hormones out of wack and stem cells would not fix everything.

Besides, if you were suffering like all of us are, You would have many posts and tons of stories about how horrible your life was. So according to you, You suffered for years, finally made yourself better through this stem cell procedure; and then you felt compelled to go on a forum where you have never posted before and provide an undetailed solution to the problem to a bunch of strangers.

I’m not trying to make you “meet my standards” or offend you, it seems you took things the wrong way. Step back for a second and realize how it looks to the rest of us:

  • user registers new account on forum anonymously
  • first post is about how stem cell treatment cured his Fin-related ED
  • user did not provide any exact details of what said treatment involved, where to get it, and all other questions which were asked based on your initial post.
  • as a result, while reason for post may be good natured, there was simply not enough info in your post to help anyone other than to say “try stem cell treatment”.
  • as a result, and for the aforementioned reasons, your post may be interprested as suspect.

So, since you say you want to help us, here’s how you can do so: providing the required info as requested, such as name of treatment facility, costs, which doctors are involved, where in Germany etc., if people are so inclined to undertake such things. By choosing not to divulge this information as noted in your further responses, your post will likely be of no value because there’s nothing anyone can actually DO with the limited info you HAVE provided.

Well, you aren’t exactly being helpful here, now are you? If that’s the case, then why even bother posting at all? If you have info to share about treatments that helped you, and you want to help people, then why wouldn’t you be as transparent as possible in terms of sharing information and answering any questions people may have about said treatment – such as, WHERE (clinic) it was performed?

I said I was waiting to reserve judgement based on further replies, something you conveniently chose not to acknowledge.

The lack of info you have provided in your further responses still has not addressed the fundamental questions I and others have about what you have said. What is your motive for not sharing this information in as much detail as possible? It has nothing to do with being “respectful”, you are simply not providing enough information that people can actually EVALUATE and USE in the real world.

As mentioned, we have in the past had spammers and posters with ulterior motives come here to stir the pot, play with people’s emotions, and waste their time, possibly money and possiblty risk their health by advocating certain products and procedures. By not answering questions, remaining vague on clinic details and insulting others etc, your motives for posting become ever more suspect.

What kind of arrogant, “bow before me” attitude is this? In my opinion, this type of attitude has nothing to do with helping the Propeciahelp community at large, whatsoever.

Telling people to not read threads posted is a futile excercise. Talk about being respectful/disrespectful, here you’ve provided a perfect example of yourself being ungrateful and rude.

This site would not exist if not for the efforts of myself and a select few others who have poured countless man hours, resources and money into it to exist, so people (like yourself) can even post on it in the first place. I, the other Admins and Moderators can and will read any and all posted threads as necessary, to ensure that what is posted on this forum is consistent with the terms of use, rules and guidelines you agreed to when you first registered an account. That’s part of the job that comes with running a forum.

Remember, nobody forced you to come here – if you don’t like the rules, you always have the choice to not visit the forum, or not post on it.

Well, you obviously forgot or chose not to include that bit of info in your first post so we could get a better handle on your situation, didn’t you? I’m not smoking anything, nobody can read your mind – we can only go on the info you choose to post, which is what I and others have been doing thus far.

Ahh, the plot thickens.

Ok – if that’s the case, what was your previous account and why have you created a new one if you have a posting history here? Why the need to create a new alias? What is your reason for posting this story under a new username if you already had an account? This is not helping your credibility one bit at the moment.

I’m genuinely curious – how does injecting stem cells into the leg do anything for the penis and erections? Did the doctors describe the mechanism of action, of how the stem cells would correct erectile dysfunction? Can you relay that info here, or provide links to where it is explained, please.

What was the price tag for the procedure, so people would have a rough estimate of costs?

But you haven’t told us ANYTHING about this clinic! You haven’t given any details on its real-world existence, contact info etc. Since you say you want to help others and share info about your treatment, what is the name of this clinic, it’s website, contact details etc? Thanks.

And here you go around and do a 180 – you will NOT tell us where you got this treatment. What is going on here, is this a joke? Why won’t you tell us?

This is a key piece of information to this whole puzzle and if you really wanted to help, you should be willing to divulge this information from the beginning, so others could evaluate this treatment for themselves instead of sending everyone on some wild goose chase. Rather than waste people’s time searching endlessly, you could simply share the contact details of this clinic so we could believe you, and move on to the next step in the conversation.

Right, thanks for being helpful (sarcasm). Again, you claim you want to help sufferers on the one hand, then do the complete opposite by refusing to actually provide any useful information which people could use in the real world. It makes no sense at all.

Since we’re all in this together, and if you truly were suffering from these issues, then you know how devastating they can be. If you have info which would be valuable to the rest of us, why won’t you share it?

Your stance to the contrary essentially makes your posts a waste of time. I’m not being negative or disrepectful, I’m trying to explain that I/we are not able to get any true VALUE from the information, or lack of info, you have provided thus far and are continuing to choose not to divulge.

Again, this type of attitude makes your reasons for even posting in the first place, suspect – are you just trying to play around with people’s hopes and emotions? If not, and since you said previously you wanted to “help”, then just post the clinic info so we can move past this issue, and evaluate for ourselves.

How bout you save us all some major time and help us (as you say you want to) by just sharing the clinic info that you claim to have visited, so people can actually learn more about this.

That’s how you can actually “help” and build credibility.

Ah yes, blame and insult others when they ask for details and raise questions about your post, and reasons for posting – typical, we’ve seen this type of attitude a million times before, and it’s not very helpful or respectful at all.

Look, the bottom line is this: if you truly did undergo this treatment and it helped improved your situation, this is great news. As such, you should be willing to openly share as much info about this procedure, doctors involved, how it works (mechanisms), where it can be obtained, names, locations, costs etc, answer questions etc in as much detail as possible, for others to evaluate.

Nobody is interested in wasting their time or having to pull teeth to extract information from another poster, especially one who insults and is rude to others under the guise of being “disrepected”, when they are purposely choosing not to provide key pieces of information and admit they won’t. Without such info, your posts are essentially useless and could be completely made up, for all we know. You have to respect this fact, due to the inherently anonymous nature of Internet forums and posts – hence why we are asking for some real proof that this treatment actually exists, and where.

Finally, if you are as interested in helping us understand your history, treatment etc – what was your previous username on this forum and why have you created a new account to post this story?

Thanks, much appreciated.

Sounds like a hoax…Just like that guy trying to sell his Finasteride Recovery store and self promoting his website…Con men…

Please share