I am having Acupuncture

After some search I have found an acupuncturist here in Ottawa. Today was my 3rd day and I have received so far three sessions. I talked to many People over there and they claim his treatment is miraculous. Unfortunately I don’t feel any thing so far. I will receive ten treatments and if no benefits then will stop it.

I tried it. Had amazing effects from doing pituitary stimulation through pressure points on the upper eye socket.

what other benefits did you get besides pitutary stimulation?
how long did you do AP? how many sessions?

Honestly I don’t have 1% hope that AP will help me. I am just doing it for the sake of doing something.
I don’t think chemical damage is so easily repairable.

I did 4 sessions. Well if your taking a holistic approach, i’m guessing your feeling a bit more open minded. Not sure exactly I just know after every session and during it I felt amazing.

Is it wrong if I say…you have nothing to lose, by giving it a chance.

Are your hormones low?

so why did you stop it?
yes my hormones are low.
you are right, I have money to lose only.

I only get it done when I see my naturopath for supplement, I find it quiet therapeutic. Spstriken, if your hormones are low because of finasteride, my treatment did wonders for my well being. How can you say it’s not hormonal then?

I have been on Agel and know what it works and what it doesn’t. I don’t want to get into " control your E then control your thryoid then control your Adrenal then again control your T and then again control your free E blah blah… and after 15 years you come back here (like JN) and say you think problem is somewhere else.
Just give some time to your treatment. if your benefits persists for at least six months then you can say you have got something.
I will wait for the research.

My body, with respect to our mutual affliction, was in an okay place when i received my first acupuncture treatment. I am not quite sure what corresponding organs/body systems my AP guy stimulated then, save for my forehead, the top of my head, and my liver (dk which points for the liver, but anyway, i requested all three of these). Afterwards, I felt amazing. Call me crazy, but this was NOT placebo.

Because of a few extraordinary circumstances, I did not receive my next treatments until over a month later. Since my first treatment, my wellness had regressed considerably (due to these circumstances). As of then, my quality of health was quite proximal to my initial post-fin state. These subsequent treatments were considerably less effective, though not entirely ineffective.

I believe, due to the outcomes my various self-directed interventions and the circumstances under which they were conducted, the body is, at times, more receptive to certain treatments than at other times. AP, I think, is a useful tool in the PFS recovery utility belt, though due to the inconsistent presentation/variegated symptomatology of we afflicted, YMMV.

I would also kingly suggest that, if you try AP, it should be from an old chinese guy/woman who you can barely understand. Also, if he/she tries to give you any TCM herbs concoctions, it may be best to play it safe and decline.