Hypersexual after PFS?


I developed PFS in fall 2018. Since then it was an up and down but eventually the more time went by the more my symptoms improved. I dont think Iam cured yet, because I can feel that something is not quite right, but at least my symptoms are more or less comparable to my old self.

Recently I got hypersexual. My sex drive is absurde high at the moment. It doesnt matter whether I ejaculate or not because my refractionary periode is very low and my sex drive usually returns 30min after an orgasm. I can easily cum 15 times a day. I dont mention this to brag about my improvements. It just doesnt feel healthy because its so compulsive and obsessive. It is not comparable to the state you will get via NoFap, because that is feeling healty and natural. Its just a consistent urge that wont really subside. Additionally I fear that I might crash after this.

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What did you do to achieve this recovery?

More details please about this recovery.

I cant really tell what helped, I got another thread I detail some of my regimens.

This current state delevoped after rhodiola + acetyl l carnitine.


Do you still have feelings of pleasure after 2 years on fin. I find that difficult to understand

It’s an imbalance of hormones. It’s the same after your DHT comes back after quitting finasteride.

It won’t last, you probably got it from experimenting with drugs.

There are people who are on fin for decades and still have feelings of pleasure.

have you stopped supplementing and your improvements are permanent ?

Some users of Propecia, SSRI, Accutane do not develop sexual dysfunction. Many others do.
Libido loss and sexual dysfunction are on the warning labels of all three - it is a possible risk, not a guaranteed risk.

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been a week or two without supplementing and still improved.

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What do you feel is missing that is preventing you from declaring a full recovery?

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watery semen and too much libido.

i know how you can fix too much libido, maybe you heard about such drug finasteride.

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Iam just saying that my current libido is higher than it was when I was 18 y/o, healthy and never touched fin. Maybe I developed some sex addiction, who knows. Iam masturbating several 2-3 hours a day. Sex wise I have more energy and stamina compared to when I was younger and fin free.

I understand. i was just joking

I am currently at a situation which reminds me of your progress. I don’t have erectile dysfunction and I dont have watery semen but its the mental aspect of my sexuality that is not improving. For example numb orgasm, or that mental enjoyment during sex.
Ive only taken omega3 and maca on a regular basis thus far. Not sure what to add for the mental issued

how did you take the rhodiola and acetyl cartinate ?

did you cycle them . 4 days on 3 off . 5 days on 2 off or did you follow the protocol of another member who did 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ?


can i please have this symptom , LOL

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5 days on 5 days off.

News is that I crashed again after this, then I got better again and now I feel worse again. Its and up and down. But I also stopped taking rhodiola and carnitine to see if it has an effect. I dont know