Hungover Masturbating

Hi Guys

I am wondering what kind of influence an hungover has on you. I often drink on Fridaynights a lot and than I can masturbate like 7-8 times EVERY day for like 3 days in a row. I am using 10 mg Tadalafil just on Fridaynight.

Does the heavy drinking or hungover influence the pelvic floor (like relaxing muscles more the next days)?

Does somebody made the same experience?

Yes my erections are at there best when hungover, I wonder if it is to do with gaba and the brain or the alcohol relaxes and relives stress

Can you masturbate with 100% erection when hungover?

Yes its the strongest erection i get

You see a significant difference with the other days?

Yes to be honest.

Are there more who experienced the same thing? Any advice?

There have been some threads on this in the past as its somthing many notice. It may have to do with GABA-a upregulation of sorts.

I get a similar feeling on certain nights / mornings that I do not get enough sleep. So I have often wondered if its not from the hangover or alcohol but the lack of sleep from being out.

Alcohol reported to increase allopregnanolone production which has been shown to be depleted to undetectable levels in the CSF of small group of PFS patients.

But just the optics of telling people you can masturbate 8 times in a day while being hungover is going to be a difficult statement to believe so people might thing you don’t have PFS if you say things like that.

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I could masturbate even 10 times per day if I wanted, and rarely do it less than 2 times per day.


@Frustrated There were times my libido was so high that I had to reduce my tension while at work and now the most is gone. It’s not just fin, you have to consider your age aswell. But most of it fin. I still feel something when I see beauty’s but this damn handicap. You know. I have sometimes spontaneous erections but with the assistant of tadalafil.

@TFD 2 times a day everyday is a lot. I feel no urge masturbating. So your libido and erection still has to be very good. At least something is going well my friend.

I don’t feel any urge either.

Before PFS hit me there were times when the urge was so bad I had to run to the bathroom.

Not once I felt that in the past 2 years or so. Masturbating is both a way to give me “pleasure” (although my orgasms are almost silent, I’d say 10% of what it was), and to make sure that everything can work down there. It’s just the behaviour that has stayed. Not the pleasure, nor the feelings or anything else I can think about sexual-wise.

I don’t even remember what libido feels like, and as far as erection goes, I’ll just say that it varies A LOT, and leave it at that.

I was basically fine for long after I stoped taking fin, libido was. It did fluctuate but I’d say normal fluctuations. However before, I was horny ALL the time. It was great

Then I seemed to get worse over time
Markedly so over the past 8 months

Anything you could track back this worsening to?

I took the tiniest bit of an edible

Didn’t guys on here say that weed made them worse?

I think aside from anything else, you have extremely mild symptoms anyway… (Or are nearly recovered without you noticing.) If others find that normal, maybe they also have extremely mild symptoms.

As far as the topic is concerned, it varies a bit, but alcohol is mostly negative for me.

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@MatthiasKDH Yes it seems like this when reading my posts but how is this normal (pfs or not) that my erections are at least 90% better the days after heavy drinking. Yesterday evening I had problems keeping it down, the erections were massive to be honest. I don’t get this. Normally alcohol needs like 24h to get out of your body but in my case it’s different.

Alcohol is a GABA agonist

Others have reported that in the days following taking a GABA agonist they see improvements in the sexual sides and that the improvements fade

The “broscience” behind it is that this is feeling better “on the snap back”. In other words feeling better after a certain thing happened’s.

So when I took mifepristone for three days and after coming off noticed an 80 percent improvement in the sexual sides I was temporarily cured pretty much on the snap back after taking an anti androgen/progesterone receptor antagonist. after five weeks the results faded

Now Allopregnanolone is a positive allosteric modulator of the GABA receptors which enhances the ability of GABA agonists to bind to the GABA receptors . So if we feel worse while further agonizing the GABA receptors and better “on the snap back” after the GABA agonist is out of our system this could be telling us something

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Yes i heard about GABA but couldn’t find a guy with similar experience like me. A lot are describing a higher libido for one day or the morning after. I couldn’t find one who has got significantly better with erections for several days. Like being able to masturbate several times with rock hard erections for a few days (3-4 days) after heavy drinking.

I have this issue more than a few years. The effect on me is still the same with alcohol. I would say my erections became stronger the last weeks. But I don’t want to drink every weekend like it’s the end of the world to reach that feeling.

Are there any other medicaments or supplement with a similar effect?