Human growth hormone. Anyone know where to buy it.

Human Growth Hormone anyone know where to buy it? the injectable form.

Have you thought about peptides to promote endogenous HGH?

ok. where do i buy that

I only say this as I am considering peptides myself, although won’t order etc. until I move back to my own place next year. Both mcibofh and justquitdut order from

Ok, which ones specifically do i order

I’m only going by what mcibofh told me he was taking on his own thread on the solvepfs forum. It’s detailed here: … &start=140, although you may need to join to view.

This is what mcibofh told me:

"Here is what I am doing.

GHRP-2 5mg Quantity 1

GHRP-6 5mg Quantity 1

Sermorelin 2mg Quantity 3

Mix 1 ML of bacteriostatic water per bottle. There will be 5 bottles. Use a IM syringe to mix. Once mixed carefully remote the mix from the little bottles and put it into a sealed sterile vial. You should have 5ml when completed mixing. Then place the vial into the fridge. Use an insulin syringe and inject 20iu into your fat.

As the above post suggests… Start our with a single injection and see how you do. After that you can move up to 3x per day. I did 3x a day for awhile. I have since dropped back to 1. Its rather expensive to do 3."

There is further discussion by other members on the thread itself.

There are various options re: peptides and I’m only reporting what a fellow pfser has found helped, although mcibofh takes more than just this.

If you can wade into the datbtrue forum then there will also be many answers/opinions there.

Fasting is one way to naturally raise HGH.

If you are under the age of 50 a first step might be to try an arginine based drink to cause your pituitary to increase GH secretion. Two-three weeks on it, two weeks off (key).

Burn victims get injections of arginine specifically to kick up their growth hormone response.

Couple drink formulas to look at are the Pearson and Shaw InnerPower (contains folic acid, not advised if you have lots of methylation pathway issues as many PFS sufferers do) or Empircal Labs which doesn’t contain additional vitamins (add some B5 to accentuate GH release). Can’t recall the exact doses but mix with 4 or 5 ounces of water, over ice, drink at bedtime on an empty stomach.

Check serum levels of IGF-1 before trying anything so you understand your baseline - IGF-1 levels indicate what your GH levels are like, GH is pulsatile so hard to measure accurately ouside of a lab setting. Can point you to a table of data that will give you an idea of what IGF-1 level for your age are considered normal. Understand that the growth of some tumors is vastly accelerated by GH levels, so if you are or were a smoker or exposed to other carcinogens think carefully about this route or the GHRP/GHRH approach…

Arginine increases NOx formation, good for erections but can cause dangerously low blood pressure if mixed with a PDE5 inhibitor like Cialis, Viagra or horny goat weed. Increased NOx levels should be considered for their effect on balancing of the body’s anti-oxidant levels.

Personally I now rely on anaerobic interval training once a week, followed by lifting heavy/low reps later in the week to keep my GH up. But when I first started getting extensive hormone testing post fin my IGF-1 was well below normal (actually indicated a clinically significant GH deficiency). IGF-1 levels are correlated with DHT levels, increasing IGF-1 increases DHT (or at least 5AR2 activity, been a few years since I looked at all this).

Part of the issue of supplementing synthetic GH is that it mutes your body’s own secretion - long term use just might make that a permanent thing. GH, like T is supposed to be pulsatile and not come in like one big wave. Finally, there are something like 4 variants of GH that the body secretes, and the synthetic provides only one of them. The exact purpose of each variant isn’t known.

One thing endocrinologists knowledgable in the GH area check is the ratio of IGF-1 to its main binding protein, IGFBP-3. Something else to think about evaluating before embarking on any of this.

I am not a doctor, so proceed at your own risk.

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That would prove useful to myself kazman. My igf was 135 Range: 65-350 Unit: ug/L when tested at 40 years old. As well as feeling that this is low or possibly low normal I am also going on symptoms. Your post has also got a lot of useful info. Thanks.