HTPA-restart questions

Hi all,

First of all, sorry for my bad englisch, i’m from the Netherlands.

I have used finasteride for over 5 years from 1998 - 2003.
It worked fine for the hairloss, but after 5 years i got some e.d. and libido symptoms.
I went to an endocrinolist and my test was quit low, but i got the usual answer: it’s low, but within the range.
After that i lived my life married, got kids and didn’t think much about it. I could have sex, but my libido was low and no morning woods.

This year i’m divorced and living on my own now. One morning, after i did sunbathing the day before for hours i had a huge morningwood that lasted from 3 o’clock in themorning till 6 o’clock in the morning. This moment i realised i hadn’t a morningwood for years. After this morning i didn’t have a mw anymore. So i did searching why i didn’t have a morningwood anymore and also al low libido. Then i realised off the side effects off propecia and now i’m here.

So after reading a lot of topics i have become to thinking there are 3 options i might consider.

  1. The very healthy lifestyle, paleo ect. I doubt if this is something for me.

  2. Trt, that is my last resort and i read that it’s not a solution for pdf suferers because the high T will convert in E and not in DHT, am i right?

  3. The HTPA - restart. I am wondering if htpa restart is a solution for me. Do you guys have results with it. How long do you have to use it. Will the extra T also converts in E? Will you get worse acne. So htpa will restart your own T, right?
    Does it make effort or only problems from extra converting in E?
    Are the doc’s in Europe willing to do htpa-restart or is it something illegal, mostly done by bodybuilders?

Another question. Will test boosters like testis or tongat-ali als stop your body producing his own T?

Thank you very much.

HTPA restart is only for steroid users to help the regain their natural levels after using steroids. It simply does not apply in any way to PFS. We were never supressed. Even most steroid users do not need to do a htpa restart as their body goes back sooner or later.

If you think you have pfs from 10+ years ago I am not sure what more you can do apart from healthy living. If you think you have non PFS related issue then maybe you do need TRT but TRT does not work for 99% of men with PFS.

If you have lived with it all these years it can not be too bad. You can do general blood tests to look for any pre existing issues, correct them and that could help you in some way.