hpta-restart protocol

Anyone try the HPTA Restart Protocols? Any results?

Anyway, I plan to try doing the HPTA-restart protocol and will report back, I suspect it will make me feel better (as everything else has). The key is to find a way to maintain that feeling, and the correct combination of things.

Hpta was tried by this person. By the end of the tread people assumed he was no longer with us.


HPTA restart protocol will increase testosterone levels and estradiol.

actually, testosterone increases. but without recovering PFS. I think there are natural ways to increase testosterone naturally without using drugs.

Carefully read the side effects of these medicines. are extremely hazardous. see that no one warned of the side effects of finasteride.

I recomend tongkat ali and Maca powder. Maca its a food and works great.

do not recomend tribulus(too much estradiol), clomid (blindness and emotional problems), tamoxifen(toxic), arimidex(osteoporose, bone/join pain), aromasin (bone pain), femara(bone pain).

interesting, I m going to read it and try some of these protocols, why not? I will try anything at this point. Thanks MCI, though finatruth and I are having great results from high doss of asparagus to to the Protodiascin in it.

Thanks for the advice, yea, I was taking Maca root, works great, need to buy more, I am on HRT so already am on a tiny dose of Arimidex and test strengthens your bones, so when you are on it it is ok, though hard to say what is working and not right now. Have you guys tried Asparagus? It is really helping me and Finatruth, it is an inducer of 5AR enzymes

I plan to try it MCI, what do you mean “no longer with us?” You think he offed himself? I haven’t read through the thread yet, but it is on my list. I don’t see why I shouldn’t try these protocols, I am going to try everything, have nothing to lose.

Backfromhell, my view is I have NOTHING to lose, so I am not afraid of taking anymore drugs or therapies, I am a risk taker if the risk could fix me. I believe the HPTA restart protocol is not about testosterone directly, it is about reseting the receptors to recognize test again. I have read bodybuilders of 30+ years no longer responding to test etc… That is why they wanted to do these protocols.


already ate asparagus many times and never noticed anything.

I’ll try again and now I make a juice of raw asparagus.

is an interesting theory increase testosterone levels as much as possible to try to restore normalcy.

The problem with these drugs such as Clomid, tamoxifen is that the testicle is very overloaded.

even if your testosterone is at maximum, the testicle will work too overwhelmed.

I do not recommend these drugs if your testosterone is normal.

I understand your point of view on that we have nothing to lose. I’ve been there.

I currently only use natural methods to try to restore normalcy

Ever tried any HGH precursors? I am on Sermorelin with GHRP2 and GHRP6, they reawaken the pituitary gland and cause it to secrete human growth hormone which regenerates everything. I have recently decided to try high doses of it to regenerate receptors, it may be why I have been able to recover several times as I have been on it regularly as part of my HRT.
Keep in mind that the Asparagus will not do much if your testosterone is low, it seems to help induce 5AR which then work to reduce test to DHT. I am on injectable test, so it seems to be helping me, I have tried other forms and only raw seems to work. Try it, finatruth says his penis has recovered fully, fortunately my dick didn’t take a major blow, it seems to work consistently with how my hormones are working at the time, and asparagus helps for sure.

i did not try HGH precursors, might be a try.

I have high testosterone, great muscle and low fat. I will try this aspargus for a week and post the results here.

I started increasing my use of Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6 and notice improvements, it is one of the only things I can say is probably definitively doing something. HGH regenerates everything, so I am sure it will regenerate receptors. I noticed a big improvement since I upped my dose, big improvement, but also the raw asparagus is helping too.
You may notice improvements within a day of eating raw asparagus, try eating a good amount of it, let me know, it has helped me and others here so far.

A personal trainer friend of mine who is extremely well versed in steroid use has shared with me his PCT protocol, I plan to buy all the stuff and start it. The PCT included Nolvadex which is what drew my interest as I have heard it resets HPTA, I will keep you guys posted once I buy all the stuff.

So here is the Protocol I plan to start for 4 weeks, and I plan to quit test for those 4 weeks. The idea is to reset my receptors, I got this protocol from a very high end trainer that trained me and many doctors I know. Let’s face reality guys, body builders have more experience with hormones than doctors and endocrinologists, I am sorry doctors, but it is true.
One of the items in this kit is Novadex, that interests me in particular as I have read body builders using it to reset their receptors. For the record, this trainer is a former body builder, so he knows what he is talking about, he is also SUPER into being healthy and all natural etc… So he wouldn’t take anything that wasn’t healthy, I mean this guy is hardcore, and knows everything about everything you eat or take.
I can’t even find an endocrinologist who will see me and treat me, the last one I made an appointment with cancelled it when they drilled me asking what was wrong and I said PFS. I have friends that are doctors, one of them a big doctor, referred me and even then it was cancelled! Endo’s usually don’t see you unless you are referred with a condition, so I am going to treat myself. I will try the Cleveland clinic, even though I have made progress with hormones and all, I still want to do everything possible to defeat this simultaneously. If that means seeing doctors while I try things, I will do it, though it prob won’t get me anywhere. The HRT doctor did slightly help.

I will post links to everything, all can be bought online, as well as the dosing schedule, and you have to stay off testosterone, but also he takes HCG 1000mcg a week while doing this 4 week cycle.

I also bought Tripterelin from Canadapeptides and plan to try that as well.
You can read about Tripterelin here

So I am taking the dosing schedule the bottles say to take

LIQUID TAMOX 50ML 20MG/ML (Liquid Novadex) This is sometimes used by endos to reset receptors
ar-r.com/featured-products/t … mg-ml.html

Cycle Support - Iron Labs Nutrition: On Cycle Protection & Liver Assist (120 Capsules)
amazon.com/gp/product/B007HP … JP8RRKVUT9

Annihilation, Extreme Bioavailability Test Stimulator 180 count
amazon.com/gp/product/B00BNF … 8VWUNAZAN6

Nutrakey Antler Test
amazon.com/gp/product/B00DZQ … A5FPJWK29Q

Pes Erase Pro - 30 Capsules
amazon.com/gp/product/B007P7 … 38UNVDK6DZ

Liquid Tamox is
40 mg (2ml) for 7days ,
20mg (1ml) for 14 days , 10mg (.5ml) for 7 days .

Forgot to add the above dosing schedule, dosing schedule on all other stuff is on the bottles. just the doses they say. This PCT protocol can’t hurt you, all it does is really boost up your natural testosterone and get it pumping. You guys with low T, might want to try this as it can really get your testosterone pumping for 4 weeks, maybe keep it better off.

I am adding MACA root to my protocol, I forgot that MACA root had amazing effects on my libido, I advice everyone here to go on MACA root as it is safe and effective for male hormonal stuff. I am not sure of the exact action, but everyone reports it helps libido.

I am starting a new protocol experiment I have come up with

testosterone propionate, I got a bottle of it, what interests me about this form of testosterone is that it has a very short half life, it is in and out in 3 days. Most of the negative effects from testosterone come after the concentration gets high and stays high, if this form of test leaves your system fast, then it may just be a treatment that works. I always feel good when I first inject, so it is the initial peak that I want, so let’s see what happens, I will keep you up to date. I am not sure when I will start this, probably before I try the PCT stuff I bought that I listed here.

I forgot to add DHEA, DHEA will help everyone here, it seems to be the only steroid that makes it past PFS, I suggest you guys buy it and start experimenting with it. It is a supplement that is actually an anabolic steroid and safe and healthy, you can google it, even the mayo clinic says it is good. It works like DHT, it will help people here, has helped me and 5 alpha. I don’t take it often as it causes me to lose hair and break out, but it works!

forums.steroid.com/anabolic-ster … fects.html

Check out the above thread, a PFS sufferer reported success with pct


How is it possible the doctors prescribe testosterone therapy for you?
