How were your recrash/recovery patterns?


Hope you guys are doing ok.

As the title implies, did you experience subsequent recrashes after the initial one? Were they getting shorter with time, or more spaced?

It’s been 2 months since my last (and first) pill. I had brainfog, all the sexual sides, tinnitus, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, poor sleep, wrinkles in my face.

2 weeks ago I made great improvements, and I only had low libido/sensitivity/tinnitus and wrinkles remaining. Crashed 2 days ago, back to square one, with an even stronger urge to take my life.

I really thought I was beginning to beat this. Does a second crash mean I have slim chances of recovering within the “usual” 3 month timeframe? Or should the fact that I recovered 80% within 6 weeks be seen as a good sign? I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

How was it on your side? Looking for the stories of people who also went through it.

Have a great day

Fluctuation/improvement, even if you have crashed back down is a good sign as far as I can tell.

I would not take the passing of 3 months as a hard cutoff for improvement either. People do get better with more time.

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The problem is, reading around here makes you think no one gets better, since we only see those still suffering.

For me, rubber dick/low sensitivity and libido are really the biggest problems :confused:

I thought after 3 months, hope was pretty slim?

This will sound harsh, but that would put you in the less affected group around here. I’m not saying there is a hierarchy but I am saying you can handle this. It will not be easy. You need to get your attitude set and get ready to tackle something very difficult to handle. But you will be able to.

This might take you a while to get over over. Maybe more than a year.

Along the way you will be able to find things to be happy about, and ways to be productive.

If you define yourself by what you can do, rather than what you can’t, you will probably feel better.

One thing you should be aware of is the potential for further exposure to make you worse. From this point on, you ought to pay attention to foods that have 5ar properties, medicines and creams. You should probably avoid them.

Thanks for the perspective, I agree about focusing on what I can do rather than the opposite.

To be fair, I also have other symptoms (tinnitus, penis left curve, elastic skin, weak erections, dry skin, wrinkles) but I can live with them. The sexual sides are the one that have the biggest impact on my mood and my perspective of the future.

Not sure if I read correctly here, but it seems like libido and numbness typically don’t get better, which depresses me. However on the flipside, those 2 aspects did get 80% better for 2 weeks, so its hard.

Having had severe brainfog during the first month, I deeply empathize with people that have more severe symptoms.

Well, I think your recovery period shows you that recovery is possible, so hold onto that.

Next, bear in mind that the majority of people who feel better just disappear and never post again.

We generally only hear from people who are having problems.

Remember how hopeless you feel right now, think how helpful it would be to you if those who recovered gave an update every few months. When you are feeling better, please keep coming back to encourage.

If I do get better, I swear to come back here that’s for sure.

The only thing is, I haven’t read much libido and sensitivity recoveries.

I highly empathize with the more severe sufferers, and I know Im not the worst case, but I cant live like this. I dont know if there’s a consensus timeframe after which most people dont get better. 3, 6, 12 months? I’m willing to give it a shot, but if things havent changed in a year, I don’t think I’ll stay. I just feel so bad for my friends and family

People get better after years in some cases.