How to improve energy, focus

As I mentioned in my thread I had had substantial improvement in brain fog after a short treatment with clomid + letro. The improvement seems quite persistent, I am not able to actually work (before I will stare at my computer and try to leave work asap to TRY to sleep).

But I still have a residual problem which could be very problematic at times. I go from moments where I am well focused, energetic, to suddenly a state of brain fog. This happened to me today, I met a girl she saw me in both cases, and when I had the brain fog she almost did not recognize me (she probaly was thinking what happened to him).

I found that increasing alkalinity in the body helps. As suggested in some posts. I find that brain fog is more likely to set after eating. I noticed that a low calories diet, or fasting even, help improves sharpness, although not practical because of the hunger fatigue.

Can you please exchange ideas and recommendations here about how to improve concentration, sharpness, and energy? I mentioned 2 things that worked for me, please share yours.

PS: My brain fog was like 7/10 pre clomid+letro treatment, I would say I am down to 2/10, livable but still very sad and limiting… it fluctuates too but since the treatment the worst it has been is maybe 4.

Dropping carbs, refined sugar an dairy from my diet greatly improved my mental symptoms. I think a lot of the brain fog for me was a reaction to large hits of carbohydrates for dinner the night before. Trying to have a good hit of protein and fat during every meal (including breakfast) was also a lifesaver.