How to deal with lack of motivation?

Hey fellas, I got PFS last September and as many of you can probably imagine, I’ve been struggling to cope with my fin induced symptoms ever since.

Anyway, I’ve somehow managed to get myself to a somehow semi-functional state, but my biggest problem at the moment is severe lack of motivation/apathy. I’m still in school and have finals coming up, but I just can’t get myself to study. Its like whatever is responsible for motivation in my brain just isn’t there.

Any advice guys? Thanks

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Hey man. So I’ve always been a strong student and “school is life” has always been me. Since undergrad, I knew i wanted to do something medical, so I studied hard then and I’m in a doctorate program for a medical specialty right now. I got PFS at the beginning of my doctorate, and by the second quarter, I had to have a meeting with the dean because I was doing so shitty.

Now, I’m on my way to getting a 4.0 GPA this quarter if I finish the next week strongly. here’s what I did to change it up.

I sleep at least 7-9 hours if I can. I eat healthy meals and drink caffeine very sparingly to avoid energy crashes. I use my studies as a PFS coping mechanism so I can get my mind off being sick. I study close to a spot where I can nap and eat. For example, maybe there is a student union you can study at where you can also get food and sleep in a couch of theirs. Also, know when to take breaks. Don’t be afraid to nap for an hour or two and then get back to studying. We need breaks more than anyone else. If you just crashed in September, you also have a lot of improvements that will come naturally. Just give it time.

Someone told me that “motivation is fickle” but discipline is not. In other words, motivation comes and goes and you cannot rely on it, but discipline is a strong foundation. I’ve accepted that especially for me, I’ll won’t feel motivated anytime soon due to PFS. Therefore, I have to do the things I have to do without any motivation or pleasure.


i just want to tell you that your username is great :smiley:

Haha thank you! I used to go by “AmIDoomed” here, but that was way too stark and depressing.

I believe that “misinformation” can easily be spread and believed online. That’s literally what happened in the USA 2016 election. I don’t want this forum to be hit by a similar analog of that where we all believe we’re doomed and therefore end up not trying things out to be cured. That’s kind of a reason why I changed it to something more lighthearted and so that people would laugh :smile:


agree :slight_smile: