How to cure fast?

I am curious about why some people side effects go away after quitting, while some people suffer from it more than years?
Why some are cured fast but some never get cured. What is the difference between them?
I dont think it is due to how long the drug is taken. Defenitely its not about luck. What is the fucking reason. I think its still not a big issue in this world about pfs. Because not many people are suffering from this comparing to people taking this drug.

But i read many stories here. And i made a conclusion that hormonal medication or supplements are not the answer.
I think its basically time. Time is the key factor.
So i am thinking how can reduce time?

Maybe drinking massive water and peeing alot helps? Discharing may activate hormonal process?

Maybe sweating massively by working out or running stimulates body process?

Sleeping alot may process some body changes because i heard that while sleeping body stimulates hormones?

What can we do to activate body process??

the answers to your question will come from doing multiple studies on this disease

1 of them is starting soon

want real answers? donate a shit ton of money to pfs network and you’ll get concrete proof to everything, including a way out of this bullshit, possibly


When it comes to me I think the time of taking the drug has some correlation with probability of getting PFS. I took it 2 times.

First time: 2 dosages 0.5mg for 2 days, got sides fast immediately. Recovered after one month after stopping.

Second time: Tried it again few weeks after my sides resolved. I decided to take lower dose 0.25mg ED, I got sides pretty fast too but these time they were more bearable. Lower libido and no morning wood - my thinking process was: OK, sides resolved before, so it will resolve again - I prefere to keep my hair and feel better around other people sacrificing my super-high libido and after some time I will stop taking the drug when I met some girl or sth - it was stupid I know. But after few months I crashed and never got back to normal again.

So I think that some people are prone to get PFS, and there is some threshold of time taking the drug when PFS is activated