My live has changed from a sportive attractive women guy, a man of 59, a man in his best years to a sick frustrated old man mostly bedbound, fatuiged, depressed, looking out rotten, sick and weird.
My face got 2o years older in just half a year.
I can’t forget the way I lost my fiancee. A damaged cock is the most frustrating and horrible way. An eunuch isn’t a man anymore. No woman around the world wants an impotent man . And loosing her to an very old monsterfart is more a man can stand. There is no chance for an impotent man to show up with another woman, to show hey I’m a winner, baby!!
Muscle atrophy all over my body.
A weak neck and a weak larynx, sometimes afraid of getting No breath.
No more interested to stopp it by walking or gym.
No fun for doing the household,
no fun for organizing the office.
No fun for going to the grocery.
Only pizza service for breakfast and supper in one.
No more interested in anyone else, just hang out in bed for nothing.
I only want to know, am I the only one who lost control over his life here??
And has someone else ever broken this suicidal downward spiral