How safe is tamoxifen ?

I just got some tamoxifen and I was reading through the side effects on the pamphlet that came with it.

It says it can cause “stevens johnson syndrome” but it is “rare”. PFS is also “rare” yet its the reason we are all here.

By putting “stevens johnson syndrome” on the label I’m guessing its a lot more common than they let on.

Another side effect tamoxifen can cause is cancer.

I’m wondering is it worth the risk of taking tamoxifen to treat PFS ?

Has anybody here had any serious side effects from it ?

Pfs is not a hpta problem. You can take all the clomid and nolva you want. It wont fix you. So, its better to stay away from these.
Actually i decided to stay away from all kind of drugs after the problems i got from fin. I just lost my trust to everything.
There are herbs that fould give you similar results with any pharmaceutical substance.

Mark I took tamox low dose (5mg) for 4 weeks. In the beginning I felt awesome and thought I found the root cause of my problems, but this only lasted 3-4 weeks. After that time I was where I started and didn’t have any benefits at all. And I’m not the first one who experienced this kind of temporary recovery with tamox/clomid, just use the forum search. I wouldn’t waste my time with tamox anymore.

You better start fasting dude! Right now I’m at day 6 of my second fast, this time the goal is 14 days.