How many people do you think have PFS and don’t realize it?

How many people have some degree of PFS and don’t realize it?

I can walk down my local vitamin shoppe’s aisles and see multivitamin after multivitamin with 25-300mg saw palmetto extract in them. Some even market themselves as “testosterone boosters”, when infact saw palmetto prevents the body from being able to use testosterone properly.

Not to mention the millions of people on Minoxidil and Accutane who aren’t even aware they are antiandrogens.

I would say the people that unknowingly have PFS is of several greater magnitudes higher than people that knowingly have PFS. How can we spread awareness of this condition to those specific groups of people?


No idea, but I was one of those people for 2 years. With that, I’ve had a unique experience regarding nocebo/ placebo. In my particular case, when I found out what had happened to be, it made me worse and more depressed.

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A lot.

Most guys will think, oh I’m just getting older, that’s why my libido is almost none existant and I have ed. Especially for guys who get PFS in their 30’s.

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I think there are probably people on the spectrum who have no clue they’ve even changed.

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