How many have ONLY sexual dysfunctions (and no other symptoms)?

I feel you man. Yeah, even god damn hardcore drug addicts have better sexuality than us. It is almost insane to believe to this. I am living the healthiest version of myself ever in my life, yet still my sexual health is bad… unfair!

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Damn, you talk like us lol

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Me. I didn’t get any non-sexual symptoms. Also didn’t get ED. I got premature ejaculation from fin, and as far as I know, that’s my only symptom.

Okay so I have to report something:
I’m off fucking finasteride 2.5 months ago and in the last week I think I made a huge progression. Last few days I was horny again, had monsterous morning wood 3 days in a row in the weekend . Erections during the day are still just alright but they are not useless anymore. I think I’m improving these days by a LOT.
I’m taking muscle tech HD testobooster 2 pill a day, Vitamin E/Fish oil,vitamin B complex and calcium magnesium. Used to take zinc but I think it didn’t have a good effect on me so I stopped… Maybe the improvements started at the point I stopped zinc. I pray that my dick keep improving and I leave this medication behind forever


Update: i’m shooting again omg. I’m so happy man, hardness is still not exactly where i want it to be and i still loose it somewhat fast, but it’s so nice to see that i’m shooting big loads again. For the last 2.5 months every time i was having an orgasm , semen just fell into the ground like some fucking ice cream.

The things i improved : getting an erection is faster, i’m shooting again, orgasm feel much better, morning wood more frequent

problem is still the hardness and loosing it fast. if i could sort this out i would condider myself 100% percent . any experiences that shooting loads change anything in the short term future / lead to more positive improvements ?

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Depression and anxiety are caused mostly by not sleeping enough, in my opinion. I m not on finestiride but i have all the conditions that you mentioned, especially brain fog issues. Turned out i had sleep apena and interupting deep sleep causes all these issues. Libido is also highly linked to how much you sleep since sleep regulates your hormones. Its more of a chain reaction and there are so many other factors that can contribute to it.

How are you recently bro? What are you supplelementing?

Yes, erectile dysfunction is my only symptom. I never have morning wood and I have better and worse days during the day with visual and physical stimulation. I am far from satisfied with the quality of my sexual functioning right now.
I don’t think I have any of the mental symptoms apart from anxiety that sometimes causes pressure on my chest and gives me trouble falling asleep but that only happens when I’m at my worst and I think it’s more a consequence of the ED than a direct symptom of PFS.

I have erectile dysfunction and reduced endurance as my only symptoms. I have a good libido as I have always had, but the bloodflow «down there» is definitely impaired.

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Dude I wish…it started with sexual sides then evolved into much more.

Could you elaborate? How much Fin did you take for how long? How long did you have only sexual adverse effects and what kind of other adverse effects did you get?

I honestly doubt your supplements have much to do with it. You might not even have PFS if you’re recovering within 3 months.

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I was on finasteride for 8 years. The sexual side effects started 2-4 years into treatment. All the other sides started to show around the 8 year mark. Sides such as muscle twitches/tightness, digestion problems, skin redness, frequently awaking while a sleep. I tested 5-HTP and that seemed to make my symptoms worse…I quit finasteride December 2018…my issues are still ongoing but some days are better than others.

My PSSD case for over 6 years after citalopram.

I have only sexual dysfunction and no other symptoms.

In particular, the excitatory/genital arousal response to every sexual stimulus has disappeared, the clitoris does not get excited and no longer gives pleasure to the stimulation. Tactile sensitivity may have slightly decreased but what has disappeared is erogenous sensitivity. Decreased libido but not disappeared: I still have some sexual desire and passion, I still have emotions and feelings. Fantasies even if much less than before. Orgasm reachable through forced stimulation even if it no longer gives an authentic pleasure.
Before, I could easily masturbate with pleasure, arousal and many orgasms, even 10 in one day and I was probably hypersexual. Now every now and then I commit myself to do it, because sometimes I feel a libidinous mental desire, often I have to give up. I clash with unresponsive genitals and let you imagine the creepy and nightmarish feeling.

I am still taking Abilify (an atypical antipsychotic) at a low dose to treat depression. If I suspend it for 3 full months, PSSD remains unchanged, but I get so terrible a suicidal anguish, so I take it.

In this condition it seems difficult to me that I may have neuroendocrine changes that could cause this serious sexual dysfunction, shouldn’t these cause many other symptoms?

Hormone analyzes seem ok, although free testosterone is not examined but only total testosterone.

Should I do peripheral neurological tests? which? I have no low back or genital pain.

There have been diagnoses of pudendal neuropathies among some of our members who didn’t experience pain in that region. I can’t find the topic, but one underwent a test of the strength of conductance of nerve impulses and the findings were abnormal. The question is how do you treat it if it is a component of this condition resulting from a chemical issue within the neurons? I can’t think of a reason to have this performed except for the sake of knowing.

Also interesting that you state that you felt you might have been hypersexual in the past. Is this common among women with PSSD?

Yeah, only sexual side effects, that too my penis has shrinked, nothing else, I would say my libido is fine and getting erections I also not difficult for me but yes they are only 80% of what they used to be, but my penis has shrinked by 1/3rd. I only took finasteride for 1 month and my penis shrunked on the 3rd day but I continued thinking that the day I stop it I will be again normal, please please if anyone can give me some tips it would be helpful

How can i take it??

As you may know, This Melcangi study found evidence of pudendal nerve neuropathy:

We also reported abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve in PFS patients with severe ED, the first objective evidence of a neuropathy involving peripheral neurogenic control of erection.

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I had non-sexual side effects during crash phase:

  • Night sweats
  • Gum recession
  • Anhedonia

Gum recession does not grow back, but it is not getting worse and the other symptoms have gone away.

As well as these sexual adverse effects, which continue to this day (seven years since discontinuation):

  • Numb penis
  • Low libido, low sensuality
  • Changed consistency of semen
  • Exhaustion after orgasm
  • Lower sensitivity of skin (whole body)

The exhaustion has lessened a bit lately. I am on HCG therapy now, via a urologist.

Aren’t you on an SSRI?