How long does crash last?

Hello this is my first post. I have ben off the drug for 4 months now but just had the crash 4 days ago. I feel horrible! Absolutely no energy, and feel like flu symptoms. My back aches and I can barely function at work. Also having weird panic attack like symptoms and dizzy spells. I understand that this is probably the crash, but does it stay this severe forever or do you at least bounce back energy wise after a week or two or what? Just curious about how long after the initial crash some other members started feeling at least some energy improvement if any. Thanks guys

The “crash” (drop in Testosterone/LH/FSH) typically occurs within a few weeks of stopping the drug, as outlined here below. The length of time for this post-drug reaction to last varies with each individual.

Your situation states 4 months after stopping (which is not the typical pattern), however I suppose anything is possible. Have you eliminated all other variables that could account for your recent downturn? The symptoms you describe could be attributed to a flu, for instance.

I’d recommend you get bloodwork to see what is going on with your hormones at this stage if you are concerned: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=92

Thanks for the response Mew. I should provide more info on my situation. Yes I quit 4 months ago because I had barely any libido and weak erections. I never really saw these symptoms get any better when I quit. They stayed the same for about 3 months, and then in the last month I had zero libido and weaker erections. I went to my doctor in month 2 and reported what was going on and told him, I thought it was from the propecia. At least he seemed aware of the propecia syndrome and ordered test of my testosterone. He informed me that my testosterone was in his words, “a little low” and then prescribed a month worth of Androgel testosterone. He claimed that he wanted to see if the month of androgel might jumpstart my system again. I never actually saw the results so im not sure what the actual number was on the testosterone. And I never took the androgel because it was 400 bucks and I dont have the money or insurance. Then about 4 days ago I think I officialy crashed. Since then I have had weird rushes of panic and dizzy spells, some genital shrinkage, and absolutely no energy whatsoever. The brain fog that others speak of seemed to be in effect as well. I really feel like i have the flu, but just in terms of energy and feeling foggy. But i definitly dont have a flu, because there are no other symptoms. Also I had my first real incident of inability to get an erection at all with my girlfreind on monday. I have an appointment on tuesday to see the doctor again. I will be sure to check the test results from last time and have him write me another script to get more tests done. I thought it was weird that I semed to have crashed such a long time after quitting, but im almost positive that is what happened based on the stories of others. Dont know what to do. Thanks for your response again and support.

I’d like to jump in on this thread if that is ok? I have been reading tons of these posts and am very interested in what the “crash” actually is. I’ve been off fin for about 7 months now and my pain is still here. How do I know if I had my crash? About 2 months after I stopped I was an emotional mess, could not have a bowel movement which lasted about 3.5 months, I was also a bit brain foggy, was terribly depressed and anxious etc., all that has gone away for the most part but I still have terrible muscle pain, hip pain, back pain, ear ringing a cluster of red spots on my forearm, and gyno. Have I had my crash, am going through it or should I expect worse?

I dont think you will get a crash after 7 Month again, if you had one. The “crash” is very dif. for each people. Try to go on with a kind of normal life and dont try to push your Testo levels up.

Hey all…Just wanted to make a post and update a little. I have not been active at all since I posted my original questions and limited blood test results. I have not improved at all with sexual sides, but I have made slight improvements with fatigue and mental sides. I have been off the evil drug for 8 months now and hope that time would cure is all but dead. I have not tried any drug therapy or hormonal approaches yet, mostly because I dont have health insurance and can not afford treatment. In september I will be purchasing a health insurance plan and start seeing some of the recommended doctors as well as update my results. Any feedback on Dr. Shippen? I am in south jersey and he is close to me.

I would also like to note that I seem to be on a cycle where i have slight improvements in all areas, followed by feeling like crap in all areas. The highs and lows have remained the same in intensity. It is usually about a week of feeling good followed by 3 weeks of feeling shitty. (some ratio huh?) My worst side is severe penile and testicle shrinkage. I have not had morning erections in the longest time dating back to when I was still on the drug. A few times I have had nocturnal erections that I woke up with during one or two of my good weeks, but they are basically gone as well. I can still get an erection with my girlfriend that is capable of sex but no where near the way I used too. They are weak and have an ability to bend. But I understand that is still better than a lot of others on here so I am thankful. Yet trying to get an erection with porn is impossible, only being with my girlfriend makes it work. My insomnia is insane and I can often go 48 hours no sleep, and still have trouble the following night. I often have to take ambien or multiple benedryl to knock me out, but even that loses effect if i take them more than 3 days in a row. The one side that seems to have improved the most is the brain fog. I am still not as sharp as I used to be, but I am no longer the useless zombie that I was for the first 2 months. I still get dizzy spells and occasionally will get the weird anxiety attacks when I am at work, which is horrible because I am a casino dealer. If anyone has any questions go ahead and fire away. I will start checking in more often.

Sorry to hear your situation, although at least you have had some improvements in certain areas.

If he is close to you, it might be worth paying him a visit. He has seen many men with the condition and might have some idea for treatments if your test results show abnormalities. Keep us posted.

I see Shippen and I’d courage you to phone them at least and see what you think. Like everyone else who is attempting treatment I don’t think he’s having much success but as Mew said at least you can optimize hormone ratios and see if that helps. Just keep your expectations within reason.

I dont have many expectations at all. I just want to start to get an accurate picture of what my individual case looks like, as I know we are all different. Just hoping he could order the tests I want and interpret the results for me. Also thinking about trying the clomid route and see what happens…Does he prescribe clomid?

Hey how have you been acfinhelp? Did Clomid work for you? Please update us.