How long before Clomid kicks in?


I’ve been on Clomid for four weeks now. (I take 50mg on Mon, Wed and Fri of each week. This is the first treatment option I’ve tried after 2.5 years of suffering from PFS. I have all the sexual, cognitive, etc side effects.)

I have not seen much effect so far from Clomid. How long does it take for it to kick in usually?

Thank you!

When I first took it I noticed an affect within 24hours.

Are you 100% sure what your taking is clomid ? if you got it off the internet it could be fake.

I took it a few months ago. I did not notice any changes while on it, but it did raise my testosterone levels from 200 to 650.

On the same day

I like to use high doses on the first day as 150mg or more, you are using it alone or with some AI ?

I’m using it alone. No Aromatase Inhibitor is used on the side. I’m considering adding an AI. I must point out though that my body fat percentage is below 10%. it’s always been. So it’s not like I have a ton of fat cells to aromatise T into Estradiol.

Am I doing the math on this right gents?

Also, one of the top doctors told me it takes 2-3 months for Clomid to kick in as androgen sensitive tissues have to come back alive / “I need to go through puberty again” - as he put it. I find that to be somewhat counter intuitive. I used to go to a gym back in college. Kids who took steroids grew muscle mass pretty much immediately. They grew as much in two months as the rest of us in a year.

Any thought gents?

I took it for 5 months once. In my opinion it made me worse. Wouldn’t reccomend it.

It is unbelievable. There many failure stories as old as eight years . No one has cured by using clomid. I am surprised how you guys think you will get different results from Clomid. Why don’t you bother to read old posts?

Well, I’m relying n the opinions of the doctors that have the most experience treating PFS. Most told me that Clomid helps some, don’t help others. For me, so far it’s making me worse, not better. But who am I to question them? they told me to be patient and take it two-three months before getting a blood test.

Where do i find those old posts that are relevant please? There are tons of posts here. Half of the make little to no sense at all.

I can swear it has nothing to do with our T, testicles or prostate, we posts by FTMs who got sides from Fin and SP use. I have used Agel my self. Have interviewd some hypogonadal patients in real life, they are totally different from us. My brother is doctor. Have seen Endos here in Canada. No matter how you increase your total T (clomid, HCG, Gel etc) the end result is you will feel worse.
just go on search or I do it for you search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&keywords=clomid&start=1780

Tell me any story here who got good sides from Clomid.
Doctors are not God. Well no doctor believe Fin or SP can cause any sides to begin with. Will you still not question them?

I’ve been using clomiphene citrate for 12 months.
I am still using it because my mood got better to normal with it. It definitely raises total testosterone levels but also rises the estradiol. So if T/E ratio doesn’t change nothing got better on the sexual side.

You can feel better on the first days but then symptoms worsens due to estradiol rise.
My estradiol (E2) was 30pg/ml, my T levels were 300ng/ml on the beginnig. After 1 month of Clomiphene Citrate use, my total T levels risen to 965ng/ml but also my estradiol rises to 51pg/ml.

My general mood got better.
I felt numbness in my penis tissue, and a loss in my libido during this 1 year usage.
I’ve experienced a kind of visual disturbance in late hours of daytime.
I have used CC in a, 20 day use-10 day break schedule. On the break days my penis tissue returned to its default sensitivity.
My erection quality haven’t changed.

After 1 year of clomiphene citrate use, my total T level is 510ng/ml. My estradiol level is 53pg/ml. As a result, nothing got better. My T/E ratio is still about 10.
So all I can say is clomiphene citrate solely haven’t cured anything.

Best Regards