How is it possible to have this but be super strong?

Ever since having the nightmare condition!

One thing I notice is I am a lot stronger I mean a lot stronger! Since this my deadlift has gone from 550 to 700 pounds how is that even possible to have down regulated androgens but still be one of the strongest people in the world! I’m only 19 to so by the time I’m 21,22 I will probably hold a world record?

I doubt I even have any of this also considering that I had the same problem before ever touching trazodone or minoxidil!

I think you haven’t problems. Try to relax and you’ll be good.

I think u haven’t problems?

It’s definitely a good sign. Many people on here suffer from chronic muscle wastage and an inability to rebuild said muscle. You should be thankful that you’re not one of them. Hopefully you see an improvement over time in whatever other symptoms you’re experiencing.

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This condition clearly is tissue specific. I have no issues with building muscles or general fitness performance either, while others have muscle wastage and experience a worsening in their condition after exercise. Some don’t have any sexual side effects, while others have significant deterioration of penile tissue. Some have extremely dry skin or eyes, while others don’t. The list goes on and on.

It is an important observation that we are all affected differently and to different degrees. And it is important to find out why (e.g. detecting potential genetic factors involved).


In your first posts on this forum you expressed doubts that you have this condition and asked others for their opinion. You said you had sexual problems prior to your use of trazodone. You also said that you’re on TRT; your opening post in this thread suggests TRT is doing what it should.

Some of these factors plus others you wrote about in your member story could suggest that you don’t have what we currently term PFS/PAS/PSSD. If you don’t have this condition, it’s worth you knowing that. Reading your member story, it was difficult to get a clear picture of why you think trazodone is definitely the cause of the problems you have. Could you state specifically why you think it is? And could you also elaborate on why you are on testosterone replacement therapy in your teens? Just trying to get some clarity on your situation and why you might be experiencing the problems you are.


Well I don’t think trazodone was causing any problems! Luckily I track every supplement I put in my body on a date!

When my problems started was when my tribulus cycle ended I was taking tribulus as that was the only thing that gave me libido!

Now I don’t have any sex drive I’m on trt but don’t feel it working but I haven’t really dialed in a correct protocol! Right now(Friday)I just started 250 mg test a week no ai and Ed injections to smooth out estrogen!

OK. That suggests that you had problems with low libido before you took tribulus.

You were using tribulus to raise your libido - which was low before you took trazodone or tribulus ie it was “naturally” low - is that correct? Or did something else preceding the use of those substances cause your low libido?

You’re now saying tribulus temporarily raised your libido but since you stopped using it, you have low libidio again.

You’re talking about being one of the strongest people in the world in your OP. Very few people, if any, can compete in world category deadlift competitions without using steroids. Therefore I’m deducing that TRT surely must be working for you insofar as it is significantly raising your strength levels.

Yes I had no sex drive before tribulus! My sex drive was dead before I ever took anything when I started taking trazodone and tribulus my sex drive came back stopped tribulus and no I don’t have anymore sex drive

OK, in that case, why do you think you have what we currently term post finasteride syndrome then? What do you think caused your original problems?

I had low testosterone! Before I ever touched trazodone or minoxidil I had no sex prior to ever using either my sex drive was just as bad before!

The reason I think I might have this is because I read pfs downregulates androgens you the body making u less sensitive to hormones what if I’m immune to trt now? I just started a proper protocol a couple days ago and worried it might not workout because of down regulated androgens!