How I got rid of my brain fog

Hi everyone. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. I just want to say this is really “out of the box” opposed to scientific things, but I can tell you I can function very well day to day without brain fog because of 20 minutes a day of meditation.

Now I’m not sure why this is exactly, but I was reading on stop the thyroid madness that your cortisol levels are directly related to the amount of stress and anxiety you are feeling. I also read on these forums that our brainfog could be a result of severe anxiety.

When you meditate everyday, it basically puts your brain into this interesting way of thinking more clearly, you have less stress, among other things.

How I do it is set my alarm on my phone for 20 minutes ahead of whatever time it is. Close my eyes, then try not to think of anything for 20 minutes. It’s really hard at first and it’s going to take you probably about a week of doing this everyday until your mind isn’t thinking of random things and going off in thought. It’s important to just shut your brain off as best you can.

But I can confidently say that this truly has helped me. When I have stopped meditating for up to 2 weeks, my brain fog comes back and I become super anxious. I can’t think straight, I have panic attacks, etc. One of my older posts even said that when I was on this forum one time I had a panic attack because I couldn’t handle all the information.

Please try this if you have brain fog. It sounds out of the box, but try it for a week and see how you feel. I KNOW this has worked for me and I’m sure it can’t hurt you to give it a go.

I tried this and yoga. It didn’t help me. The only throng that does is stress, alcohol, caffeine reduction, enough sleep, and moderate exercise.

Temperature changes and extremes seem to have an effect to. For example i used to go to the sauna or steam room a lot. This causes brain fog for days after so i stopped. Temperature extremes tax the thyroid which explains this part.

Thanks to the OP for his suggestion.

I have anxiety and meditation has helped. I didn’t continue it (my fault) due to the perception that I’m too busy. In retrospect, I should have taken a meditation time-out as it did help. [Though part of the problem is, after meditation the problem between your legs is still there and this might restart the anxiety].

I consume alot of sugar and was told by a naturopath to cut it down to eliminate brain fog… so I will try two weeks of sugar reduction.

[On the sugar note, my mother, who is in her late 70s, was thinking back to her younger days and she noted that opportunities to eat sweets were few and far between back then, unlike now, where its in your face daily].

how long did you try meditating for? like i said… it can take up to a week of everyday meditation for 20 minutes just to be able to properly, it can take longer, maybe 2 weeks until you can see noticeable effects.