How do treat ejaculatory anhedonia (anorgasmia)?

There is one year that I’m suffering with anorgasmia due to the use of propecia. I would like to know how does propecia causes ejaculatory anhedonia (anorgasmia) and which are the treatments?

I haven’t an answer for you, except to say there are no treatments and I’m exactly in the same situation. Ejacution works but no orgasm feeling whatsoever. Weird but true.

Hi, the current problem is that no one knows how Propecia causes these side effects. This is why there are two studies going on - to find out what is happening.

The problem is that not enough people have signed up. These studies cannot be completed without more applicants. Without enough people, the studies cannot collect the information needed.

Without the studies, there won’t be proper treatments for these side effects.

This is why it is important that people apply to participate. If you could apply, it would be extremely welcomed. You will be directly investing in your own future.

GELHEAD … You are right

I shall be travelling to Boston soon if I manage to keep my head together between now and then

I know you can do it man. You’ve come so far, just keep going. It could turn out to be one of the most important journeys of your life.

I think most people who can cure their erection and ejaculation related problems face this problem. No orgasm and zero libido are strongly correlated and libido is the most difficult to get back. If I have some libido then I have an orgasm as well. And my libido (as well as my estrogen dominance) is very dependent on the quality of my sleep. Today for example I could deep sleep 2 x 4,5 hours and I woke up with a relatively good boner twice, masturbated, had an orgasm and I’m still in the mood to watch girls on the street. Libido and orgasm is in your brain, as well as several other problems (like brain fog and sleep disorders). I think the reason for high E2 is also brain related: I’ve read here and there that E2 is cleared from your blood most actively during deep sleep that simply doesnt happen for most guys. I’ve lost almost all my fat (with water fast) and I can still produce high E2 and PRL levels after a crappy night with 1,5-3 hours of crappy sleep.

BTW, how good is your sleep?

My sleep is terrible. What’s more frustrating is to have some libido but a numb dick.

The numb dick is much easier to treat. Get some high dose hcg shots as I did or do a water fast. Just do something. For me it didn’t improve for more than two years, in fact, it got worse and worse. Take action.

The total numbness (and maybe penis flaccidity and coldness) can be eliminated relatively easily compared to lack of libido. However your dick will never be as sensitive as before without gaining back your libido too. At least this is my experience. After getting back the health of my cock and erections I was able to masturbate and to turn on some libido while masturbating. And yes, I have healthy erections despite having crappy sleep patterns and basically no morning woods. Masturbating and ejaculating is something you can get back easily, but my experience is that the intensity of the orgasm is basically the same as the intensity of your libido. If you jerk off with no libido then you just release some sperm without any orgasm. If you have a little libido, then you also have a little orgasm as well. (Un)fortunately I was “lucky” to experience several levels of improvement in this area.

GOOD SLEEP IS VERY IMPORTANT. Currently all my experiments are around improving my sleep quality because I think solving this is the key for me. Good sleep enhances both my morning hormonal profile and the energy/libido I have during the day. I can sleep usually only 4,5-6 hours (with “medium” sleep quality) but once a week I can sleep 6-9 hours with better quality and in that case I usually wake up 2-3 times and I definitely have the wood that doesn’t go away in seconds (although it is not 100% rigid all the time but my sleep isn’t 100% good quality yet). Good sleep has a lot to do with my mood and energy too in the first half of the day and good sleep helps me in having some level of libido out of thin air without masturbation. After a good sleep I can have pleasure in checking out nice asses and legs on the street, otherwise I can’t.

In my worst years I could only sleep 1,5-3 hours (with extremely bad quality) and all my noticeable improvements were accompanied with some degree of improvement in my sleep length/quality.

How did you get the hcg shots? I have an Endo appointment Monday. or do I have to go to a PFS doc?

I searched for a doc that prescribes anything I want, this is how I found her. My endo said she was treating several crashed body builders and she was using hcg for libido enhancer and also as a HTPA resetting method that sometimes works with more or less success. I got 3 x 5,000IU shots with 10 days delay between them. Several people dose hcg in much smaller units more frequently (like 500IU every day or every other day) especially those who use it along with a TRT.

Although your condition seems to be much better than mine was when I took the shot. Or even better then my current condition. You at least have your libido, for me its usually zero on baseline and arousal takes effort. However if I turn on some libido then sensitivity is usually not a problem, maybe prostate sensitivity and lubrication doesn’t always work as expected…

I would like to put my 2 cents in the discussion.

I keep a detailed record of all the Side Effects from Propecia. For me what triggered anorgasmia was everything that raises GABA activity. So if you are taking Taurine, Phosphatidylserine or GABA as a supplement stop it. For me it took something like 20 days to return back to normal (after GABA supplementation).

Only the root causes are important. Most of your side effects are probably just consequences of some other problems. On root causes I mean very basic things like screwed up brain chemistry and bad sleep (although bad sleep can also be treated as a consequence of screwed up brain chemistry but some people can sleep even with a screwed up chemistry…). We could list several other conditions that are triggers to an endless number of other health problems (like overweight). And listing or exploring the number of negative effects of being overweight is probably impossible.

I’ve seen only a few things on the forum that apply consistently to most people. Maybe for some people who have different kind of chemical storm than yours these things could act completely differently. According to what I’ve read on this forum brain chemical changes and attempts to fix them (for example to be able to sleep or to be able to reach sexual arousal) work totally differently for most people. We have probably screwed up a very sensitive system in a thousand different ways (in case of each individual).