Lifting weight was always my go to when stressed or not. It always made me feel great during and after. Knowing my body would look better was a bonus. Running was another I would frequent. I was obsessed with exercise and in really great shape until my first pill of finasteride.
Finasteride immediately caused these to not be an option from day one. I cannot lift weights or run as they increase my symptoms dramatically. I have tried to push through continually for the past year and I am ready to give up on it. It provides no benefits to me just causes more problems even when its just once a week.
How can I cope without exercise? It is always the go to for people to say go exercise and lift heavy but it is no longer an option anymore. Dont get me wrong, my body weight is pretty similar to pre fin. Im not gaining a bunch of weight but I am going to lose a lot of muscle.
I have been going through a very tough time right now PFS related and cant think of anything to keep my mind at ease. I have been going for walks and listening to music/podcasts but the fact that I have been dealing with this for a never ending year now keeps drilling in my head and makes me lose all hope. Having some crazy bad thoughts along with it.
Does anyone have any ideas?