Hot flashes

Does anyone suffer from them?

I’ve read of a few but hardly any out of all of us. Personally I haven’t since immediately after crashing, when I got them for a few days and would wake up with a roasting hot neck and chest. Unsurprising as they are associated with a drop in testosterone levels, but nothing since.

This is one of the most common complaints from guys who go on castration anti-androgens in prostate cancer treatment, so you would expect many of us here who have severe sides to be similarly afflicted.

I dont have this. Your right, it is notable by its absence.

You would only expect this if you think testosterone no longer works. I think this and the lack of talk about Gyno is also notable.

I get them still. Not as often as right after stopping. I usually get them when I wake up during the night. The last time I got a daily case of them was during my last bad crash in November. I have had a few nightly ones since then during my bad periods. The nightly ones I get now usually consist on hot neck and upper chest as well as some minor head sweating. During my first year off I got some pretty violent nightly sweats where the sheets were wet etc.