Hormone tests to do

Hi guys, I am a new member here and I took propecia for 3-4 weeks back when I was 20 years old (Now I am 21). On it I experienced lower libido, no morning wood, weaker erections, watery semen and perhaps gyno (I say perhaps because I don’t really know how I was before treatment). After I stopped taking it my libido came back, the watery semen stopped but I am not sure about the erections. Also morning wood is more or less gone but I don’t know how much I can attribute that to stress and just thinking about it constantly. Also I am not a teenager anymore and so that might be a reason too. Honestly it’s not the biggest of things but if it means that there is an underlying hormonal problem then that is a huge deal of course. My erections are stronger than before but I don’t know if I am back to baseline so to say. I never thought about measuring my dick before I took it. So yeah safe to say I regret taking it, as I got no benefits, but I never really worried about it until I heard about this PFS thing. I know 3-4 people on it and they are all cool, and some have been on it and stopped and are all good these days, at least that’s what they say. So yeah this PFS thing came like a shock to me. Now it’s been 17 months post-fin and I just thought I’d go in and check my hormonal values to be on safe side.

This is my list as of now:

Estradiol sensitive
PSA (Free/total - ratio)
Testosterone total
Testosterone sensitive
Testosterone bioactive (unbound)

Yeah that’s pretty much it. Good list or? I am doing it mostly to ease my nerves that nothing very strange has occurred with my levels. The thyroid I am checking because it’s in my family, my mom takes medication for it.

Now as far as hair loss goes I am continuing to lose it so yeah that sucks but it’s not going too fast I guess. Still a norwood 2 but sadly a diffuse thinner :(.