Hormone tests came back---sobering but similar news

I got all my gonadal, adrenal, and thyroid hormones tested early morning while fasting about a week ago.

The ones that are low are:
Total Testosterone – it was below normal, too low—and so low that the lab was unable to do Free T or Bioavailable T
DHT-- at the low end of the range, almost below normal
Estradiol, ultrasensitive – low end of the range, almost below normal
LH - at the low end of the range, almost below normal

This test result is the day before I started Low Dose Naltrexone, which does not seem to be doing much. I have some mornings with erections, not many though.

I have been falling asleep and feeling a bit tired and weak during the day, with not so restful sleep at night.

I have felt almost no libido over the last month or two, and my frequency of masturbation is way down. Have not been feeling attracted to anyone sexually.

Well, these test results are the reason I restarted topical testosterone today. I am taking the generic version of Fortesta.

My doctor said that this pattern of low test results proves once again that I have PFS/PIS.

I am glad I do not have an adrenal or thyroid or prolactin problem. And despite the lack of testosterone, I am not anemic. So hopefully by taking TRT again I will start to feel better, more alive, stronger, less tired, more horny, and be able to have sex with myself and someone else hopefully sometime this year.

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At least you have something to treat. My levels are all normal except low FSH. Seems like you should be able to see some benefits from hormone therapy

Yeah, I have gotten some relief in the past with TRT, but too much makes all the relief go away, and not enough TRT shuts everything down and gives no relief! I am someone who does believe that there is an androgen receptor problem epigenetically in me, since TRT works only for a short time then the good effects go away. I have been on this rodeo before many times…

Hopefully being on TRT I will be able to lose some fat weight and feel strong enough to try to go to the gym again to maybe build muscle, or at least if I cannot gain muscle, I could be in better shape and lose some fat mass.

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