I was thinking, and a thought occured in my head. is it possible that while the most severe symptoms of penile atrophy and intense brainfog may apply to those who have taken finasteride for long periods of time, for young men taking any finasteride at all simply alters parts of the body/hormonal systems to function like that of a (healthy) older man? this would explain why doctors can run tests and see medically normal looking hormones and penis’s, but young men who have taken this medicine while possessing true youth can feel very noticeably different.after brief stints with finasteride. I also feel like from the stories I’ve seen, the ones who briefly try finasteride and feel way off are usually men in their early to mid 20’s. (I fall in this category). it would also explain this- how many doctors see healthy men in their early 20’s get evaluated for ED or hormonal/androgen [insensitivity/defficiency]? they may have no reference range for what young men should look like.
I also ask if anyone has any androgen or hormonal blood work from before they ever dosed propecia, and after they stopped, to please share. especially if you are under 25 and used it for a short period of time.