Hey , here is my newest bloodtest unfortunatelly there is no clear hormones tested except TSH
but my hormones where and are Ok but nevertheless my newest with comparison to one where I haven’t had sexual sideeffects
Test made at around 12 o’clock latest test
leukozyten 8,80 Tsnd/ul. 3,8-10,8
erythrozyten 5,15 Mill./UL 4.70-6.10
Haemoglobin 16,0 g/dl 14.0-18.0
Haematokrit 46.3 % 42.0-52.0
TSH Basal 1,53 uU/ml 0.30- 4.50
MCV 89,8 fl 80-94
MHC 31,0 pg 28-32
MCHC 34,5 g/dl 32-36
Thrombozyten 186 tsnd/ul 130-450
RDW 12,6 % <15
Alk. phosphatase 45 U/l 40-130
Calcium 2,37 mmol/l 2,15-2.55
cholesterin 178 mg/dl <200
FE (Eisen) 96 ug/dl 59-158
GGT Gamma- Gt 42 U/l <50
Bloodsugar in serum 79 mg/dl 74-106
GPT/ALAT 50 U/l <50
Urinacid 7,0 mg/dl 3.4-7.0
Kalium 4.1 mmol/l 3.50-5.10
creatinin 0.89 mg/dl 0.84-1.25
Triglyceride 58 mg/dl 0.84-1.25
MDRDM Glomer.Filitrationsrate:man 114 kA 80-140
Test made at around 11 o’clock on fin for 8 months (no noticeable sideeffects at that time)
leukozyten 7,00 Tsnd/ul. 3,8-10,8
erythrozyten 4,79 Mill./UL 4.70-6.10
Haemoglobin 14,3 g/dl 14.0-18.0
Haematokrit 41.6 % 42.0-52.0
TSH Basal 2,76 uU/ml 0.30- 4.50
MCV 86,9 fl 80-94
MHC 29,9 pg 28-32
MCHC 34,4 g/dl 32-36
Thrombozyten 253 tsnd/ul 130-450
RDW 13,0 % <15
Alk. phosphatase 69 U/l 40-130
Calcium 2,43 mmol/l 2,15-2.55
cholesterin 173 mg/dl <200
FE (Eisen) 58 ug/dl 59-158
GGT Gamma- Gt 22 U/l <50
Bloodsugar in serum 90 mg/dl 74-106
GPT/ALAT 23 U/l <50
Urinacid 5,4 mg/dl 3.4-7.0
Kalium 4.4 mmol/l 3.50-5.10
creatinin 0.81 mg/dl 0.84-1.25
Triglyceride 78 mg/dl 0.84-1.25