High Prolactin - Selegiline or Cabergoline?

Here are my numbers from my last blood test:

Prolactin 399 mIU/L (0-450)
Testosterone 20.6 nmol/L (9-25)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 19 nmol/L (15-48)
Calculated Free Testosterone 589 pmol/L (215-760)

A few people have commented that my Prolactin looks high and have suggested using Selegiline or cabergoline. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can it help me?

Yeah, I recommend cabergoline. 0.25 mg twice a week will deplete the prolactin level.

Btw, you should investigate thyroid function when your prolactin level is high.

Thanks very much for your reply Enden. It’s shocking how crude the tests are that doctors overlook this stuff! :unamused:

What do you think will happen if I can lower my prolactin? Lower libido? Resolve groin pain? I’ll do another diary topic (as I did with diazepam) if I can get on this medication.

Oops I meant “increase libido”, not lower.

It may increase libido, decrease the refractory period, and make orgasms more pleasurable.

That would change my life if it’s true!

Can you point me to any more info, e.g. men who have had this success?

Thanks for providing hope.

It won’t solve the problem, but it may improve the symptoms.

google.no/search?q=libido+d … 3&ie=UTF-8

google.no/search?newwindow= … M00nNBqoq4

I also had/have high prolactin. I used dopamine agonist and it temporarily made me feel better, for a short time even pre-fin like. But the problem is that it lasted as long as I was taking it and effects diminished after a while so I stopped. The main effect of taking dopamine agonist is that it further downregulated my receptors and now i am trying to find a way to upregulate them. I am not sure it will resolve all my problems but it undoubtedly has a big impact.

Maybe lowering it isn’t a good idea:


When you’ve had an orgasm, the last thing on your mind is usually sex, right? Prolactin is secreted after an orgasm, and a high level suppresses libido - no doubt about it. The article you posted suggests that low prolactin is linked to sexual dysfunction, but they checked the testosterone- and prolactin level only. When they’re looking at prolactin to assess sexual function, they should’ve checked the thyroid function as well, because TRH stimulates prolactin secretion… Hypo- and hyperthyroidism are both associated with erectile dysfunction and reduced libido, although it’s more common with hypothyroidism.

As an example: uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i … 622AApn9aE

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