High Fat Diet causes leaky gut

Thanks, I will do the next time I get a stool test. I had zero mucous or blood in my stool, so this is a good sign of minimal gut inflammation, but I will be sure to get a more comprehensive analysis done with Zonulin and Calprotectin done next time.

Avoid all things with GL: Glutamine, monosodium Glutamate, Glycine, and most of all: Glucose which will come from any carbs.

I suggest a ketogenic diet as it lowers overall stress and is renowned to make people more calm. Some have tried it and slept better.


Well if a person was to cut out carbs and cut out fat, low dairy, and red meat whats left to eat?
I would a agree with refined sugars or empty carbs being a bad thing, like in soda.
I believe the right carbs though just like healthy fats can be part of a healthy diet.

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I guess this kind of stuff is specific to every individual. I myself have an overgrowth of Bilophila Wadsworthia which is linked to Intestinal inflammation and associated with High fat animal diets. Which is basically what I ate when I got wrecked.

yes I would swing more towards a low fat diet then a low carb diet myself. Also low-fat dairy. A person can get plenty of healthy fat just eating a handful of nuts.
The worst diet is of course is the westernized one, which is a good reference of what not to eat.

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I think this whole issue does not have the same source for everyone. Different bacteria, different food allergies, different causes of inflammation. It’s why it requires a tailored approach to each and every individual. Eating eggs maybe bad for one person (allergy) but be beneficial for another for selenium etc…

Where do you go about getting these tests? Happily do it if it gives you a data point

Try to get your doctor to do these tests, if not you will have to do them privately as I did here in Europe.