High estrogen... what can i do?

I got some blood work and i have high estrogen compared to progesterone, also high prolactin and low FSH… anyone has any idea about how I can treat the estrogen dominance? I am female btw I know that progesterone can be treated with dopamine medication but I have no idea about estrogen dominance

I don’t know if they are actually used in women as well, but if so, sooner or later someone will suggest you Aromatize Inhibitors like Aromasin.

Be very, very careful.

I’ve been reading about this medications… do you know if they are dangerous?

A number of users got hit hard, and it’s generally listed among the compounds people can react very badly to.

Lose fat is what you do to lower estrogen.

But we don’t even know your values, being high doesn’t tell us much.

Also it’s high prolactin that you combat with dopamine agonists, not progesterone.

What did your doctor tell you?

I’m trying to do that, problem is estrogen resistance and my thyroid issues really make it almost impossible.

My estradiol levels are 220.6 pg/ml normal range is 55.6-214.2,

I haven’t spoke with any doctor I did the tests myself. Will probably go see a neuro endocrinologist but I doubt they will help with this.

I’m not a doctor, but it’ not even 10% above the max range.

Have talked to a doctor?

Since your slightly above range I doubt the estrogen is causing your issues with weight. No doctor is going to put you on any AI atleast, that would be reckless.

Thyroid issue seems more likely in that regard.

IIRC progesterone varies with ovulation, so to interpret that value you need to know where in the menstruation cycle you are.

I’m no expert in women’s endo, but it seems like a good idea to go talk to a Doctor about it. I’m sure they’ll know more than any of us here, especially when it comes to women.