High Estradiol linked to Prostatitis ?

Look at these two links…



Note : Mew, I know that is not correct to post the same things in two sections, but as I have the impression that not so many people look at the “studies” section (and its more for documentation), I wanted to post these two links here, which is more a place to debate about it…

Anyway you can delete one of my posts if you think there was no need to open two topics ! :wink:

Something else :

“Clinical studies showed men treated with PROPECIA had increased mean testosterone and estradiol levels (approximately 15%), but these levels were within normal physiologic range.”


Let’s imagine some people are more sensitive to estrogen receptors (I absolutely dont know how it works but you get the idea)

so your estradiol will rise, you will get fatty nipples, but still your estradiol levels will stay within range.

You know the following… you go to blood tests, your estradiol is high but whithin the normal range, or a bit higher, and your doctor says you’re fine.

And in that time, you have chest pain, pelvic pain and so on…

Well, maybe my pelvic pain is not due to elevated estradiol (we will see), but at least for some its a way to explore

Something I was thinking about :

it is often said that broccoli treatment can help with prostatitis

the broccoli indeed contains DIM (Diindolylmethane), which is supposed to balance estrogen naturally.

just something else that may lead to think that high estrogen can cause prostatits symptoms.

doesnt the elevated e2 (aromatized from the elevated T) go on to suppress T. So T increases while on Propecia (can’t convert to DHT because Propecia blocks 5ar2), but then T drops leaving elevated E2.

as for myself, my bloodtests showed high T and high estradiol.

Hi JG, has your T remained high ever since.