High dose DHT + low dose Test

Seems TRT hasn’t been awfully successful for most people, although I notice a lot tend to opt for very high doses of test that just ends up worsening the estrogenic side-effects.

I’m considering trying both injectable (masteron) and transdermal (andractim) in an attempt to replicate DHT in both the serum and fat tissue. In conjunction to this I’ll run a low dose of injectable testosterone to maintain it toward a high-normal range while my HPTA is shut-down.

Does anyone have any advice that I could add to this?

stop wasting your time dude. everyone has tried shit like this. the only recoveries are going extreme holistic. the path is there… it just takes a long time. so you better start now.

I assume your TT is 12 nmol/l or less. What kind of testosterone, TE/C? Start with 100 mg a week, and adjust the dose if necessary. Ideally, the testosterone level shouldn’t exceed the normal range (35 nmol/l) when it peaks after an injection. In my case, 100 mg TE a week is too much. If you want more stable levels, an injection twice a week is recommended. Oils with low viscosity may be injected subcutaneously as well. You should be on TRT for a while before you start experimenting with combinations of AAS. Also, make sure that you have Arimidex on hand, in case you get symptoms of estrogen dominance that needs to be dealt with, or decide to quit TRT.

TT has been tested at 13 nmol/L, 23 nmol/L and 34 nmol/L in the past 12 months. Just thought since I wasn’t feeling the benefits of it, I could try supraphysiological level to reactive or suppress whatever dysfunction is causing this.

In retrospect I realise there’s no point in that given other people’s experiences.

Proviron is the only DHT drug that can help you, Mast or Andractim will bring down your HPTA

this your invented theory. THere are number of FTM on youtube and these girls are successfully using DHT creams for years why not their HPTA is shutdown?they are muscular and hairy.