High calcium and low vitamin d

So it looks like my blood work is finally starting to show more abnormalities, I have a calcium level of 10.6 mg/dL and vitamin d is at 22.3 ng/mL. I’ve been taking d3 since I got the results last month using 4000iu with no sides but it doesn’t bring up my levels at all!!! And I’m not even sure if it’s a good idea to use d3 since it raises calcium but I’m not sure what else to do. My fatigue and bone pain have gotten much worse, I’m wondering if I’ve developed cancer or something, anyone else run into this same problem here? Heart also seems to be pumping very hard 24/7hrs a day my sleep is now non existent.


I’ve got all of those symptoms I’d drop vitd and u might find the fatigue drops off I’m in a mess with bone pain, continued atrophy and inflammation which I think is as a result of widespread inflammation from cortisol, dopamine disfunction and NAFD the latter being recently diagnosed.which is common in pfs. Basically the liver isn’t working in some of us. NAFD is linked to 5 ARIs. Id suggest cold showers they were helping but like everything they now seem to make me feel worse. Saying that I’m starting a JAK inhibitor today which isn’t without risk especially given I’ve got NAFD it will hopefully reduce inflammation and even help the gut which Is a big player in symptom development. An opinion only based on my own experiences of this b shit. Sorry not of much help

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Did you get diagnosed with NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease?).

Sorry to hear that, but as you said NAFLD is linked to 5ARI (and antiandrogens in general). The link is especially strong for dutasteride.

Yes diagnosed I also have 3 benign tumours on the liver. The NAFD was 1st picked up in 2006 when I had testicular cancer but the link was never made

@AaronF I thought things had improved for you to a degree. I’m sorry that your still in the thick of it.

For a while I did improve and was somewhat stable, obviously far from my former self but was able to live my life somewhat okay, but I’ve gotten much worse in the last 6 months out of nowhere. I’m bedridden now most days and almost feel paralyzed to an extent.


Sorry man this is just unbelievable I hope things improve, they might u never know

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For me
PFS = liver damage, priod.
What kind of damage, I am not sure yet.
I have spent some times in forums for liver patients and I can say we are very close to them. My new symptoms are pointing towards liver .