HGH....any opinions please?

A friend of mine who is affected by the sexual secondary effects is thinking about trying HGH (Human Growth Hormone).

The HGH therapy reports these benefits:

Great gains in lean muscle mass.
loss in body fat.
Highly increased muscle tissue response to exercise or activity.
Faster muscle repair and wound healing.
Incredible boost in strength.
Higher levels of energy.
More stronger bones.
Regrowth occurred with organs that usually start to shrink with age.
Enhances sexual functioning and performance.
Faster recovery from muscle soreness.
Younger looking, tighter and thicker skin.
Superior immune functioning.
Any wrinkles or scars start to fade away.
Mood elevation.
Increase in sexual desire.
More optimistic attitude.
Improved stamina.
Improved vision.
Improved deep sleep.

Not everything about the HGH is great and wonderful, because it can also have some bad secondary effects. that is why it should be supervised by an especialised doctor (the dosage, etc).

here is a link where explains some things about it:

So what do you think about the whole HGH treatment?


I think it depend on what the underlying cause of your problems are, I think that is key.

Whilst I know that HGH can help some people feel better it works best in those that have a deficiency in this hormone. Also it would be unlikley to help if the underlying cause of your problems was low free testosterone or elevated estradiol.

What would make sense would be having your HGH levels evaluated prior to taking it to see if it is a likely cause of problems or not and having this evaluated at the same time as having regular pathology.

If you have low HGH and normal testosterone then that would certainly indicate it being worth a clinical trial if you can get a doctor to treat, if on the other hand testosterone appears to be the culpret then if would make more sense trying to rectify things in that department.

The same is tru of any hormone- you need to treat what appears to be the problem first and foremost IMHO.

The best test of HGH is a dynamic pituitary evaluation via the Insulin Tollerence test. It would be quite expensive but it is the gold standard test for HGH and would be the best indicator of a potential problem.

If you can’t get this done then you should at least include IGF-1 along with regular pathology. IGF-1 is made in the liver and has an associated relationship with HGH levels. It is not perfect but it can help indicate HGH problems.

Again if via that pathology your IGF-1 level indocated a potential issue with growth hormone then a clinicla trial could make sense.

I have not seen any information that states that HGH is lowered by finasteride, but certainly you can have this checked out for your own peace of mind.

Just remember not to throw the baby out with the bathwater…if a different problem is indicated more likely via pathology, don’t simply ignore whatever that maybe to go on a quest for HGH.

Of note;

HGH scams are rife across the internet. Many products are sold as natural boosters of HGH or sold as HGH when they are anything but.

HGH needs to come from a proper leagal medical source so you know you are not being conned. The only working form of HGH, that raises HGH significnatly is via injection- despite what many advertisers say…

I hope that helps a bit.

Sorry for the new thread, Mew told me not to start too many new threads, so I waited and am just opening this one. I am now adding to my protocol high doses of Sermorelin with GHRP2 and GHRP 6, I was taking it all along in low doses as part of my anti aging HRT. Sermorelin with GHRP 2 and GHRP 6 reawakens the pituitary gland to start producing HGH again. Your own HGH regenerates EVERYTHING, cells, receptors, muscle, starts growing your body again.
I decided to start doing high doses of it, because it is possible it was why I have recovered so many times, and I do feel better right away. Has anyone here experimented with HGH or HGH precursors? Synthetic HGH is not really safe, this is the protocol anti-aging doctors are using now. Subcutaneous injections, I will report improvements from it, but this stuff is very healthy and you can get it for research purposes online and do it yourself.
I haven’t been sick in 3 or 4 years since I have been on it, my theory is that it will regenerate whatever is damaged by these drugs, I will keep this thread apprised.

dude you are on a lot of stuff, how would you even know what is working and what isn’t? You are on a ton of protocols i have noticed in many threads.

Not as much as you think, I haven’t been posting everything because I did not want to overwhelm the forum and get in trouble again. I have been on HRT before, during and after the crash (including these HGH precursors). 2 weeks ago I upped my dose of Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6, I was an executive of a famous anti aging and cosmetic medical company. I am well versed in this stuff, so I know what each thing does, I have not started any of the protocols I listed that I was planning to start.
When I started to recover again I was just on testosterone, HCG, Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6 and supplements and Arimidex (all this is part of HRT anyway). Not many can afford to go on the HGH precursors, most don’t know about them, most HRT doctors do not know much about them. I was with a company that dealt with movie stars, so it was more geared towards youth. This particular drug is the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth right now.
I suggest you research it, I was on a very low dose and since PFS hit I stopped consistently using it, I just didn’t care about “growing younger,” I just wanted to get better. The previous weeks before I recovered last, I had been taking Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6, then when I crashed it was as I stopped using it. One day I discovered by accident that after an injection of it during a crash, the crash would reverse. I had upped my dose for 2 weeks hoping the HGH my pituitary gland released would start regenerating things that might be “broken.” I never explored this drug before as I have always been on it, so I increased my doses and I am currently 90% better.
I know it seems like I am on a lot of stuff, but I am just the first person from the anti-aging medicine community to come on here. Most celebrities are on all this stuff, it is a form of medicine with MD doctors who believe in hormones, but also natural stuff and diet and vitamin therapies, it is a really unique and cool field of medicine.
The only other thing different I did which I thought caused this, was inject a different form of testosterone that induces a lot of DHT and has a short half life. Something changed, I forgot what this feeling is, happiness, I haven’t felt it at all since my last recovery. I planned to hit this with everything I had till I started feeling better, this is the only thing different I did, higher doses. Not to mention that I reversed a crash with this stuff.

hairlosshelp.com/forums/mess … adid=96651

You guys, check the link above, HGH regrows hair from hair loss too, but what interested me was a post a guy made about having all these problems with vision and libido and all that improved on HGH. He may have had PFS and not known it (as I theorize happens often).