Help! Very bad mental crash today

Had a very bad mental crash today. May have resulted from going off diet for a few days. Also, was taking small doses of klonopin to control stress, but stopped due to possible liver/kidney problems.

Needed to take a klonopin again to control the crash. Crash felt like my brain was having a melt down. It was very extreme. I’m sure it was doing permanent brain damage. Very intense.

Is there something someone could recommend that would be an effective stress reliever like klonopin, but doesn’t have negative impact on kidneys/liver? I can tolerate absolutely NO stress, otherwise I will crash.

Whew. Sorry guys. Back to tolerable today. A bit of klonopin seemed to put out the fire.

Have that starved oxygen brain feeling again, but it’s better than the LSD/whip-it high.

Had blood drawn. Everything looked normal. I guess I’m not having liver or kidney problems afterall. I guess I can stay on klonopin in small doses.

Be careful with that stuff. I used it post crash for about 2/3 months. I kept the doses super low but coming off it was ugly. I ended up switching to Ambien for awhile but that was also pretty nasty stuff. Makes you more suicidal. I am lucky to be off all drugs for a few months now.

oh really? You think so? I don’t know about coming off of it at this point. It may have turned into a crutch.

I’m really concerned about feeling like my brain is not getting enough oxygen. I just don’t know what to do about it. I’m going to see a neurologist at the end of the month, but I’m not sure I can wait that long. I feel like I’m getting brain damage.

It’s either that my brain isn’t getting enough oxygen or there’s some sort of chemical it can’t process, and it’s just hanging around up there.

I need to figure out a fix. Just not sure what to do.

How is your sleep?

My sleep is pretty good.

In the beginning when I first crashed, I was having night sweats and intense dreams. I would have to change my shirt twice I night because it was soaked with sweat. I’d also have intense shivering/tremor fits that lasted about 15 mins. Those have mostly subsided now.

Dreams are pretty intense sometimes still, but I can sleep through the night. I usually take melatonin to sleep, which is an antioxidant.

My only fear about sleep is if my brain is getting enough oxygen when I’m sleeping. I wake up kind of brain dead, and it takes a little while to get my stuff together. But other than that, it’s pretty good.

Interestingly, before I had my crash, and while I was taking propecia, I had really bad insomnia for years. That seems to have gone away.

Here are a few things I take regularly for brain health, neuro-protection and anti-oxidation:

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Acetyl L-Carnatine
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Lions Mane (Mushroom)

^^ How’s your experience with acetyl l-carnitine, towm8er? This article says (with studies, of course) it does wonders for neurological health and it can reverse nerve damage: institutefornaturalhealing.c … ve-damage/

Lions Mane is a good supplement but it’s a mild DHT inhibitor, quite a few mushrooms do affect DHT.

We actually take deeper breathes when we’re asleep so the brain is getting more oxygen and not less. Those who sleep on their backs actually take the biggest breathes out of all the sleeping positions. We should be focusing on and taking fewer breathes and less oxygen when asleep thus increasing carbon dioxide. Sleeping on the left side allows the lungs to rest so we take shallower breaths which helps those with sleep apnea.