Help our YouTube content rank higher

Thank you to all involved. Damon’s video is nearing 6k views and has 155 likes, and two of our other videos are almost at 4k views and over 130 likes each. Our channel just ticked over 200 subscribers today also, so great work everyone.

This will be a very solid base to launch our next content series, the video podcast. We have 7 of the first 9 episodes recorded and another two patients have come forward this week to maybe participate.

Would be great to get a handful more to really capitalise on the momentum!


Silly question but do the views have to be from different people or can you repeatedly watch it yourself to increase numbers


I saw your video on YouTube and also seen you in the daily mail article

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@iHealth thanks, the DM article was a whitewash they printed safe shit

Hi all,

Our videos are being downvoted again! There have been dozens of downvotes across all the videos over the past few days.

The maximum number of likes on any of our videos is 160, so considering there are thousands registered on this forum, we should be able to bump that number up over 200 in the coming days.

It seems like a small insignificant action, but if you’re sick of YouTube being full of content claiming PFS is a delusional disorder, this is one thing you can do to address that.


Here is the channel:

It takes 5 minutes.


Why does this simple task seem so difficult? This topic has had 865 views and we’re still not over 200 likes on our videos.


Please go on with your great work Mitch! Please don’t get frustrated one day. I liked all and I have given a comment to all. But I think from all the users here only a few online. And many users and lurkers afraid to lose their anonymity.


I absolutely second what Exsexgod says. Please Mitch go on, don´t get frustrated. I have liked all our videos with 3 different google accounts. But most people here don´t give a damn…I believe there are at least a few of us, for whom You, Axolotl, Greek plus a few more guys here are simply heroes. I can´t express enough how much I appreciate and cherish what guys do for our community and for us all. Although it is a fu*king cliché, the only way for us is to move forward like a racing horse.


Kick people off who don’t contribute to the cause in someway. Unlikely but frustrated too that not many help. We would have been so much further forward by now.

Because the community has a victim mentality and suffers from a delusion that it is owed a recovery that someone else is working on rather than a mentality of that it is (a) our own fault that there has been almost no progress in 15 years and (b) none of us will ever recover until the culture transforms to one of each and every one of us being expected to do everything we can to get research going as otherwise none of us have any hope of living a decent life.

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Thank you to all who have helped our content rank higher. Of course we will continue to go on, and thank you for the encouragement.

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I’ve liked all the videos from two different accounts.


@Sugarhouse, hi mate. Just wondering when we could have our chat video on the YouTube channel?


Hey @telpek we’ll be releasing all of the new podcasts over the coming months.

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The entire PH/PFS Network team would like to sincerely thank everyone who has watched, liked and commented on our videos. Damon’s is doing particularly well, and now has over 7k views. The patient compilation and my story have over 4k views. All of these videos have at least 150 likes and at least an 85% like to dislike ratio.

This is a great achievement for a niche issue. Thank you everyone who has taken the time to contribute, we very much appreciate it.


Friends, I know many of you have commented, liked, and shared the Youtube videos already. I just want to give a reminder to those who haven’t - please go comment and like my video and the others listed on the “pfsnetwork” channel in Youtube. It helps tremendously with spreading the content further.