Help needed

Hi all,

I have been on fin for a year and half without any significant side effects. Until 2 weeks ago I feel it is really hard to get my penis up. I was scared and thought it was fin side effect. I stopped the medicine right after which I really should taper it down… After that I have experienced complete impotence, can not get it up at all. About a week later I suddenly had a vivid wet dream and wake up with strong erection, I thought I recovered but I was wrong, I got some strong erection without using hand on those2 days. After that, I start to have insomnia problem where I wake up a lot during the night, I don’t have problem falling sleep. And about 3 days ago I notice my heart beat goes to 100 even when I was just walking after dinner, and I sweat a lot!! It is not very hot here though. I had another wet dream today and felt erection was strong because I had an orgasm feeling waking me up.

I have done a blood test with only limited result a week ago.

My E2 is 74 90-200
T is 12 8.7-29
LH is 5.5 1.8-8.7
FSH is 7.6 1.9-12.4
PROL is 13.9 1.9-15.4

My E2 is low, and PROL is high. T is in lower range too.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: New suffer (3 weeks off the drug)