Help needed from UK - took 14 pills of finasteride 1mg

Welcome to our community. Please fill in the following template as a way of introducing yourself, and helping others to understand your background and situation.

Where are you from (country)?

How did you find this forum (Google search – if so, what search terms? Via link from a forum or website – if so, what page? Other?)

What is your current age, height, weight?
36, 6 ft 1, 154 lb / 70kgs

What specific drug did you use (finasteride, dutasteride, saw palmetto, isotretinoin/Accutane, fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, leuprorelin, etc…)?

What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)?
1mg alternate days for around 1 month - Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

What condition was being treated with the drug?
hair loss

For how long did you take the drug (weeks/months/years)?
1 month

Date when you started the drug?
Dec 2023

Date when you quit the drug?
Jan 2024

Age when you quit?

How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)?
cold turkey

How long into your usage did you notice the onset of side effects?
over half way through, genital numbness and less orgasm pleasure

What side effects did you experience that have yet to resolve since discontinuation?

Check the boxes that apply. You can save your post first, then interactively check/uncheck the boxes by clicking on them. If your symptoms change, please update your list.

[ ] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[ ] Erectile Dysfunction less feeling so harder to stay hard
[ ] Complete Impotence
[ ] Loss of Morning Erections less but some
[ ] Loss of Spontaneous Erections less but some weak ones
[ ] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[ ] Watery Ejaculate
[X ] Reduced Ejaculate
[ ] Inability or Difficulty to Ejaculate / Orgasm
[X ] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[X ] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[X ] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[X ] Confusion
[X ] Memory Loss / Forgetfulness
[X ] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[ ] Slurring of Speech
[X ] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[X ] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[ ] Severe Depression / Melancholy
[X ] Suicidal Thoughts

[X ] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[ ] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[ ] Testicular Pain
[ ] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
[X ] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[ ] Weight Gain
[ ] Gynecomastia (male breasts)
[ ] Muscle Wastage
[ ] Muscle Weakness
[ ] Joint Pain
[ ] Dry / Dark Circles under eyes

[ ] Prostate pain
[X ] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[ ] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[ ] Constipation / “Poo Pellets” Seems to be less now
[X ] Vision - Acuity Decrease / Blurriness
[X ] Tinnitus (ringing or high pitched sound in ears)
[ ] Hearing loss
[ ] Increased hair loss
[ ] Frequent urination
[X ] Lowered body temperature

[ ] Other (please explain)
altered fight or flight response - feels like its gone
severe lack of smell, taste
no appetite - no hunger pangs telling my brain i need to eat
brain fog - constant blocked ears that can’t be 'popped’
either no sweating or excessive sweating for no reason
akinetopsia - objects in motion dont move consistently anymore
altered perception of sound - not voices but frequencies. also, my brain “skips” parts of songs, only for half a second or so. when i listen back it’s smooth. **
sensory overload doing daily tasks
dry eyes

dry mouth at some points
regularly spaced out
chronic fatigue

What (if any) treatments have you undertaken to recover from your side effects since discontinuation of the drug?
Some daily supplements - Zinc, B12, Omega 3, Magnesium glycinate, Lavender oil

If you have pre or post-drug blood tests, what hormonal changes have you encountered since discontinuing the drug (please post your test results in the “Blood Tests” section and link to them in your post)?
Ongoing blood tests (not yet hormone panel)- only thing at the moment is high ferritin and ferritin saturation

Anything not listed in the above questions you’d like to share about your experience?

Tell us your story, in your own words, about your usage and side effects experienced while on/off the drug.
**I strongly believe this drug has given me brain damage, I’m still in a state of shock and just trying to relax as much as possible in the hope that it goes away / the symptoms decrease. It’s been 2 months since I stopped taking it and I had the initial ‘crash’ 2 weeks after when it felt like my brain had been crunched and for a week i got no sleep and saw electric bolts when i closed my eyes and jolts in my chest preventing me falling asleep.
Things improved in the following couple of weeks before another ‘crash’ (I cannot pinpoint why) and since then it’s been hard to function.

Thankfully my sleep has returned (though not at the level it was), the twitching, jolting appears to have subsided. I find it hard to do anything, everything feels a chore and needs huge amounts of effort to do basic tasks like brush my teeth. I’m not in pain but it’s like my brain doesn’t comprehend the basic tasks like before.

The mental and physical anhedonia, brain fog / spaced outedness and not being able to do anything are the hardest symptoms currently. It’s like my perception of time and space has changed.

This forum may have literally saved my life as i’ve been trawling through it getting some tips and preparing myself for what’s to come. I’ve been trying to adopt some of the protocols and lifestyle changes but it’s extremely difficult as everyone, and their symptoms, are different, and there are so many intelligent posts that talk about medical and scientific terms i’ve never heard of up till now.

If anyone has improved their situation who has had the mental / neurological sides similar to me then please reach out as I’m desperate to feel more like myself again.
I’m terrified of doing too much with supplements or other drugs i might be given by the GP that make me worse as that’s mentioned a lot in this forum.

I’ve also watched the youtube videos and subscribed so thank you for taking the time to do those and sharing your experiences.



  1. Name of the therapy/substance:
    • Dosage:
    • How often you took it:
  2. Status
    • Still using [ ]
    • Stopped with no lasting change to initial symptoms [ ]
    • Stopped with persistent change to symptoms [ ]
  3. Duration of use: Days [ ] Months [ ] Years [ ]
  4. Response when you started:
    • Greatly improved [ ]
    • Slightly improved [ ]
    • Stayed the same [ ]
    • Slightly worsened [ ]
    • Greatly worsened [ ]
  5. Current response (if you’re still using the therapy/substance) OR Response in the time before you stopped the treatment
    • Greatly improved [ ]
    • Slightly improved [ ]
    • Stayed the same [ ]
    • Slightly worsened [ ]
    • Greatly worsened [ ]
  6. Lasting changes to initial symptoms after cessation (if you have stopped for more than 3 weeks)
    • Greatly improved [ ]
    • Slightly improved [ ]
    • Stayed the same [ ]
    • Slightly worsened [ ]
    • Greatly worsened [ ]
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Welcome to the forum, I’m very sorry you find yourself here.

You’ve done the right thing by trawling the forum and researching the condition. There is lots of useful informationon here.

.If I was you I’d stay away from any sort of experimentation, inclusive of what seems to be normal eg omega 3, zinc.these are both 5aris and could potentially worsen your situation.

Your body, Endocrine system is trying to rebalance affter the exposure to fin. Give it time to settle, at least another few months. You’ve seen some early positive signs so hold on to that.

Also avoid stress, take things easy and be kind to yourself. Try not to catastrophise the pfs mind set is not conjusive to healing.

Make sure you report all of your sides to the MHRA via the yellow card scheme. This is extremely important and should not be underestimated.

Good luck. The odds are in your favour.


Thank you, its shocking what this drug can do. I’ll take a look at my regime as the zinc is only 15mg and just 1 omega 3 tablet.

It’s a bit overwhelming where to start. Trying to change diets, certain foods work for some whereas others swear against them.
I took some prescribed doxycycline shortly after the crash so I’m praying this killed lots of the shitty bacteria that seems to influence things in our minds.

I’ve got T4, Prolactin, testosterone bloods to do but even If they show something off there’s no comparator bloods pre-fin to show my normal state that can make me feel more ‘normal.’

How the hell do I stop this weird spaced out feeling when outside, its like an out of body experience. Objects move weird in a stuttery way, sounds are more threatening, my stress and anxiety increases.

Also when I look at certain things my brain keeps finding patterns that makes them unhappy or has a sad face.

It’s fuc*ed up , and I’m not taking any other psych drugs to increase this.

Caught in a rock and a hard place, want to try and improve desperately so the sides don’t ‘set’ but scared of doing something wrong that takes longer to recover from

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So I’m officially over the 3 month mark. I’m going to keep this post quite detailed so hopefully one day when this is all over i can look back and be proud of how far I’ve come and what I had to battle through.
I’ll be writing a few posts but I’ll start this one with the exhaustive list of symptoms i’ve had since my crash:

Mental symptoms

  1. Derealisation - better, i can be outside and feel a bit more calm
  2. Light / noise sensitivities - better
  3. Brain fog / inflammation - better
  4. Anxiety / racing thoughts - still there
  5. Depression - better
  6. Anhedonia - slightly better
  7. Visualisation / imagination - still dampened
  8. Fatigue - better, i had an episode of what felt like CFS when i couldn’t really leave the bed for a week. That hasn’t happened again
  9. Lethargy / motivation - I have more energy but i’m in no way immersed in ‘everyday life’ again. It all still feels overwhelming . I am far from living my pre-fin life.
  10. Short-term memory loss / forgetfulness - slightly improved
  11. Akathisia / restlessness - recovered
  12. Confusion - recovered
  13. Panic attacks - better

Neurological symptoms
14. Tinnitus - no change but not 24/7. Sometimes it pulses like my heart beat, other times it’s this horrible mechanical whirring, both ears at once. It feels like it’s related to my adrenal glands, pumping out something.
15. No circadian rhythm - no improvement - my body doesn’t make me feel tired, it doesn’t know when it’s time to go to bed, doesn’t suffer from energy dips throughout the day.
16. Visual snow - have it in both eyes. It’s manageable as i wear glasses/lenses. When I’m not then in one eye i have like a blurry sheath that glazes over the vision and in the other is DNA strands and black floaters off the field of vision. Not constantly, typically only if i start at a light, or light outside
17. Akinetopsia - slightly better - my brain can better process visual movements. For a while it couldn’t recognise the speed of traffic, or it would process it as individual frames rather than a moving object (hard to explain, but worsened the derealisation). This is better in the night-time rather than day time
18. Distorted hearing - improved. I can listen to music again, my brain stopped processing familiar songs for a while. My hearing pitch is still distorted at a high frequency, i.e. my brain blocks the highest pitch of a siren when it whizzes past
19. Glitches in music - recovered. This was disturbing. My favourite songs that i’ve downloaded became ‘corrupted’ and would cut out, i.e. my brain couldn’t process it anymore. Kinda like the audio version of seeing static on TV for a split second. Only one person has ever mentioned this on this forum.
20. Hyperfamiliarity syndrome (HFF syndrome) - recovered. This was very bizarre, when people would look like family members of friends, then the closer the got they didn’t look like them at all. I’ve only seen this mentioned once by a forum poster around 10 years ago.
21. Pareidolia / Apophenia - this is the ability to see faces when there aren’t any. I had this constantly during the early depressive episodes, but they seem to have largely cleared. I had to cover up things around the house as everything (paintings, tile patterns etc) were looking at me with unhappy / crying faces, it was very alarming. This has never been mentioned in this forum.
22. Insomnia - slightly improved. Outside of 4 days no sleep post-crash, i soon had the zombie sleep for about a month. Since then i’ve been able to sleep by and large c6-8 hours a night. My circadian rhythm is however destroyed as i constantly wake up 2/3 times in the middle of some crazy vivid dreams. But i can usually get back to sleep quickly. This is a form of sleep apnea. The fact that i do have restorative sleep is positive however. I’m not sure of the science here, do i have too much GABA as i can sleep and dream quickly? (though i thought most of us were GABA depleted). Tips welcome
23. No appetite - no improvement. This disturbs me, especially when i fast. My brain may rumble, that it ‘needs’ food, but there’s no cues that i’m hungry going to my brain. Any ways to solve this would be appreciated!
24. No thirst - no improvement. Although i did wake up randomly one night with thirst cues for 10 seconds? But that’s it
25. No saliva produced - completely recovered. Salivary glands operational again and lubricate my chewing - hurrah
26. No sense of smell - very slightly recovered - i can smell ‘odd’ things, sometimes not even those things that are typically seen as strong
27. No sense of taste - i wouldn’t say its recovered, i can tell the difference between lots of different food types but it all just tastes ‘dim’ or of nothing. Except a very strange incident when i put arugula (rocket) in my mouth, OMFG this literally blew my mouth off. It was a very very strange experience, highly tasty but similar to eating a whole chilli. I’ve tried to research why i reacted like this but uncovered no answers. It’s high in folic acid so not sure if that had something to do with it? Maybe I’m depleted?
28. Dry eyes - almost recovered. I couldn’t really cry or they wouldn’t be moist. Now, although tears aren’t as free flowing, they do happen. I’ve also had random moments where the breeze would make them tear (like a normal person), or i’d wake up and they’d water; again, which is what happens to normal people
29. Alcohol processing - not recovered. Many sufferers have this. I’ve only drunk alcohol once and i had 1/2 bottle of wine, i ended up getting tipsy but i had no ‘high’ or ‘relaxed’ feeling, although i did notice myself slurring. It was a very odd experience
30. Low body temperature - no improvement. My temperature rarely gets above 36oc
31. Heart rate fluctuations - it feels like my heart beat needs to be trained again, after the shock of fin in my system. I’ve had moments where i’d do some exercise and it stays high for hours after, when i’ve exercised and my heart beat doesn’t even go up, when i’ve stood up and it’s doubled. This has really worried me, but it feels like it’s getting a little more stable
32. Exercise intolerance - somewhat linked to the point above, times when I exercise and nothing feels like it’s working, from circulation, from heart working / pumping appropriately, from needing to breath harder, to getting a runners high. Nothing seems like it ‘links up.’ Has it got better? Perhaps slightly.
33. Low blood pressure - i always used to be on the side of slightly higher blood pressure. Now it has not got above 120/80 in months. I’ve recorded it at 90/50 over various points. It’s also typically higher when standing than sitting (systolic anyway) which isn’t good news and indicates something wrong with the circulation. Another thing I have fin to be grateful for! This is a sign of orthostatic hypotension
34. Lack of sweating - almost recovered. I sweat in the typical places, the odour has remained the same. I went through a phase after the crash of not sweating at all, not smelling at all
35. Fasciculation / twitching - This only happened in the last week or so and typically starts just before bed. I’ve had it in my left eye, arm and hand
36. Pins and needles episodes - improved but still get this on occasion, including sharp shooting pains in my testicle but its very rare. I used to get this after eating some foods, like my body was getting inflamed, but not anymore
37. Headache - I don’t really feel aches or pleasure but i sometimes get some throbbing above the left temple (where the key limbic functions are) but they are intermittent and not troublesome
38. Lunulas disappeared - I only have 1 left (index finger). This is important, and a sign of ill health and deficiencies when they disappear from your nails
39. Crimson crescents - i now have this after fin, you can check looking at your tonsils and seeing if the arch before it is redder. This is one of the only physical symptoms that can demonstrate if you have CFS. Other members have recorded this too

Physical symptoms
40. Body numbness - no improvement maybe even worse? I have about 60% numbness across my whole body. The tactile, ‘sensitive’ sensations have gone. This is rarely mentioned on this forum but one of my worse symptoms so please reach out if anyone has thoughts or has recovered from this
41. Myoclonus / muscle jerk preventing me from sleeping - completely recovered
42. Heart palpitations / arrhythmia - after the crash my heart was beating out of my chest at what felt like 200 beats per minute. It’s definitely calmed down thankfully but when i take home readings it’s all over the place and i think the beat has changed. It also feels more dense (hard to explain) when i move sometimes
43 - Blocked ears - no improvement - my ears constantly feel like they need to pop. It hasn’t distorted my hearing but i can feel that there’s something in it. Maybe related to my brain being inflamed.
44 - Constipation - no change. My gut/intestines feel dead. Maybe a form of gastroparesis? I used to be a 2/3 a day man, i knew like clockwork when i’d need to go. Now I’m grateful if i go once a day. I don’t feel like i ever ‘need’ to go to the toilet, it just gets to a point where I sit and slightly strain it somehow just plops out. I don’t think it’s taking in the nutrients either, as theres bits of food usually within the stool.
45 - Inflamed gut - no change, slightly dystended gut, with weird flatulence that’s typically odourless. My digestive process is currently severely impaired.
46 - Frequent urination - I had this with a ‘mini crash’ early March but that’s recovered
47 - Muscle weakness / atrophy ? I’m not sure on this. Firstly, i’ve never been ‘big’, i’ve never done weights, work-out etc, i’m very lean from more cardio exercise without building any form of muscle. I’ve had some deep tissue body massages since the crash and my muscles do now feel…strange, even when she’s massaging the trapezius and rhomboids they feel completely spongy, hard to explain. It definitely didn’t feel like that before.
Additionally, after the crash i found it hard to walk as my legs, especially thighs, were like jelly, i was walking like i was about to partake in the limbo
48 - Muscle pain - i don’t really feel ‘pain’ or ‘pleasure’ due the body numbness. But i had discomfort in my legs and back but that’s seemingly recovered
49 - Spasming / jerking - recovering - similar to restless leg syndrome or when a muscle doesn’t have enough oxygen going to it it shuts off or jolts. This seems to be happening less
50 - Hair changes - I’ve always been hairy, but I’m literally getting body hair EVERYWHERE since stopping the poison. I’m taking this as a bad sign and that fin is still doing it’s thing? Many people see improvements when their hair starts falling out again I believe? Thoughts welcome

Sexual symptoms
51 - No libido - fully recovered. This was the first thing to recover in a week. It feels messed up how i still have a brain/penis connection but basically no other connection from my brain to most other body functions, lol. Something poetic about that
52 - Erectile dysfunction - recovered, also within a week. This includes nocturnal or morning wood. Obviously with it being numb its a bit harder to perform…
53 - Genital numbness - no change, still numb. I feel sometimes my balls if hanging low have a little bit of sensitivity, also the glans have maybe 20% .
54 - Anorgasmia (absent orgasm) - I hate this, so tips welcome please. It’s typically about 10-15% pleasure, just ‘dim’, similar to when i taste food or smell. It feels like if i edge then it’s slightly more intense. I also had an odd experience last week where I premature ejaculated but the first ejaculate was accompanied by a far stronger feeling of orgasm (75%). This was promising as it shows the mechanism is still there somehow and hasn’t been destroyed. I’ll try and look into this and write-up, might be something to do with the pelvic floor
55 - Genital changes - my dick feels lighter somehow, my balls seem more tighter for longer and i occasionally get the hour glass shape so many people mention. It’s not all the time, but enough to sometimes see when i look down there
56 - Semen changes -still there, I would say on balance it’s more watery, most of the time rather than all the time.
57 - Dick smell - sorry to be crude but i had no smell at all down there (even after exercising) until the last week or so, which is hopefully a good, or ‘normal’ sign with bodily functioning.

I think that’s it, i’m sure i’ve missed a few out too. I had no predispositions to anything mentioned above before taking fin.
I’m convinced it’s caused a trail of destruction in my brain, nervous system, gut and other organs.
It’s hard to know where to start in aiming to fix this, especially because we all have such a diverse range of symptoms.

I am hopeful that through time or proactively fixing one thing can lead to a chain reaction that can hopefully see many of these symptoms treated. Somehow, many of them feel connected, it’s just trying to find the problem…

Please do reach out here or via PM if anything i’ve said is of interest especially for those who have recovered from any of the more rarer symptoms that i seemingly have

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I’d just echo what LazarusRy rerferrenced about zinc … it’s has 5 alpha reductatse inhibiting properties. I avoid supplementing it personally.


Although i probably will never fully understand the exact mechanisms of getting PFS one astute forum member caused a ‘lightbulb’ moment for me.

I started taking the poison immediately after a mild bout of covid. I had all the typical covid symptoms in 24 hours but then they passed. He informed me that covid temporarily dysregulates the CYPA34 enzyme in your liver which makes it harder for certain things to be metabolised.
Guess which medication is metabolised by CYPA34, yep you guessed it, finasteride.

So, not only was i possibly genetically predisposed to this sh*t already, my liver couldn’t even metabolise it, which has probably meant instead of being a ‘mild’ sufferer i’ve gone to a severe case.

After my crash, i.e., death, i didn’t even know it was finasteride right away. I hadn’t even heard of PFS or this forum, for instance. So i absent-mindedly took prescribed doxycycline in an extremely fragile state. Doxycycline, despite mainly being an antibiotic, is known to have SNRI properties, just my luck. Healy writes about it in his Rxisk blog and there’s reports of people suffering from PSSD.
But on the contrary, i’ve actually seen Doxy is used for the treatment of Sjogren’s syndrome, which I’ve seen mentioned here. Additionally, it can treat the meibomian glands for dry eyes and salivary gland disorders. I don’t know whether it’s linked, but these two symptoms did greatly improve.

So now I’m stuck, waiting, as is often recommended by fellow victims.
Why is waiting recommended, waiting for my body to accept this pathetic state as my new normal? Waiting to die?
If anything I should be doing everything I can in this period shortly after my crash as my body still remembers it’s old state, before it’s too late.

Taking fin again, taking dopamine agonists, taking vitamins in mega-doses, I don’t know, just something. The answers and recovery seem so close, so obvious, but my body just doesn’t want to co-operate.

I’ve helplessly / hopelessly trawled through this site for days/weeks and basically finding dead ends, contradictions as well as some incredibly intelligent scientific debates which frankly in my state I cannot decipher. I think i actually won new member of the month which is some sort of bittersweet, lol.
80% of threads start so hopeful with tangible results being recorded, before the thread is closed in 2021/2022 due to updated admin rules or the original member(s) never conclude what happened.

I feel like i’ve got this at the wrong time. Many members who had the varied symptoms such as me no longer post here. Activity and traffic seems to have dropped substantially since 2022/2023, energy and enthusiasm possibly waned. It panics me, FOMO, what am I missing out, where else are people congregating to try and cure themselves?
An article today in the media said how gene therapy has successfully cured someone who was born deaf - the company was Remeron. Could they be our saviour? We know the up-regulated and de-regulated genes I believe?

What i’m doing to try and get out of this hole despite my brain and body being 99% dead. No idea if anything is working or not, I’m guessing not:

  • Double dose of krill oil so i have some brain function
  • Light cardio (try and incorporate some sprints)
  • Glycinate although doesn’t feel like it does anything
  • Sporadic meditation
  • Cut out some deodorant / shampoo / conditioner / eating from plastic containers as some of you guys scared the sh*t out of me (although I feel like i could drink arsenic; my gut is so separate from my body nothing will happen)
  • Weekly fasting
  • No alcohol
  • Incorporate cold water/shower
  • Resistant starch before bed (potato)
  • Acupuncture
  • Jiao Gulan tea
  • Behavioural Therapy
  • Chewing gum (for cortisol and brain fog)
  • Juggling
  • Appointment booked with Dr Bouloux , a PFS specialist, to cure me

I bought some resistance bands so i can do something to the androgens on the legs as everyone goes on about this. Also some NAC capsules but haven’t started taking any.

Perhaps the most important one i need to try for an extended period is to abstain from this site and its affiliates

First donation of 250 made so we can get out of this sh*t once and for all


Same amount of pills and same time as you (roughly), I’ve gone the other way to you. Minimal supps, no diet change, still in gym and doing cardio. I too have read everything here and come to the conclusion the body can and will heal to varying degrees (hoping for 100% obviously), but needs to be in an optimal state to do so. Once the depression and anxiety pass, and thus panic, it becomes much much easier to see this is the most common aspect of recoveries. Exercise, diet, rest, time. Oh and come off here, try keep calm.


You’re not the first one who’s had this thought, I did myself and probably majority of this forum.

Harsh truth is that it’s so easy to ruins your own progress from some “simple supplement”. I have read majority of all posts here and also all the literature on PFS/androgens etc that’s been published.

There’s so many theories, some sound very logical but they almost never pan out (for most) as one would believe.

In the end, just waiting is the thing with the best track record. Both in terms of safety and results, since we don’t really have any real clue what’s wrong with us.

I feel your pain and desperation, we all do. But at least we now have some sound research going on thanks to PFSN and PFSF.