Help me write an article about Propecia and let's save lives


I manage a website about hair transplant surgery called FUE Global: It is my mission to promote safe hair transplant surgery without the use of Propecia. I am currently refreshing the ‘blog’ section’ and one of my first posts will be about the safety of Propecia.

This is where I need help: do we have any journalism types among us who understand the topic well and can help me co-author the post? I have the opportunity to reach a captive audience of thousands of men per month, so it’s an ideal chance to warn them and possibly save lives. I am not nearly as well versed in this topic as some of our senior members, so please get in touch if you’re able to help me pull together the studies and data, and write a nice article. You can reply here, PM me, or add me on Skype: fueglobal

I think the involvement of an “insider” of the hair transplant industry will help raise the profile of PFS and improve our credibility, so let’s do this! I’ve met two world-leading hair transplant surgeons in the past few months and told them about side effects, but at this stage they regard me as something of a maverick. Indeed, when I raised this very topic, one doctor dismissed PFS as just “men on forums”, to which I responded that he’s sitting in front of one. It is apparent to me that they are very stubborn and perhaps in denial about it, and I’m convinced that our only hope is the findings of the studies and legal action. We need to be ready. Help me.

