I know this could be a stupid question but,i don’t believe docs no more so i prefer ask on the forum…

i found 1 doc that want to prescribe me ghb ,the only problem is that in Italy Xyrem is not available so there is another product called ALCOVER used for alchol abstinens syndrome containing ghb,but it just contains 1/3 of xyrem’s ghb, do u think it could help taking it at high dosage to compare the Xyrem’s ghb dose ???

please reply cause in theese days i ll get it…and I know these mutherfuckers don’t care about my ealth and prescribe me everything to shut me down

thank u so much like always guys…this is the med’s link take a look .

Italy, i can’t help you with that… Don’t have enough information about this drug, do a thourough research on the web. Then, if you decide to take it, wouldn’t it be better to start at a low dose and then increase it if necesseary?

this is what i will do,the drug has ghb inside,my doc said me that it should be the same of trying xyrem using an high dose…but i dn’t know exactly cause there is some more stuffs inside,that’s why i m asking…just to be sure it ll be not dangerous…anyway thank u

so i ll try this med containing ghb…i’m preying it can work… for visit all these docs i’ve spent all my work’s money,hope it is for something !

ok,i called my doc last time and now it is sure,tomorrow i 'll take the prescribed med from him and,this will be my last crazy week-end drinking all night long cause… from monday, I’ll start my GHB (alcover) routine and will not go out anymore in the night hoping to recover like some did with ghb .

I’LL post if it works for me .

Good luck Italy…

3rd day with alcover… good sleeping and today first morning erection…it wasn t really a spontaneous one but i got it easier…hope things can improve more .

i ll post-

i stopped my alcover routine aqnd can say i had some improvements…

now i ll start again in 3 weeks from now.

I would like to ask u if u know if alcover will work the same way having ghb inside … i mean using ghb from alcover is the same ghb I can find in xyrem?..i know that it s less but i would like to know if the kind is the same…


I already asked this question…but do u think GHB by XYREM is the same GHB by ALCOVER ? … so it should affect me at the same way …?

Italy, does that place still sell Alcover? I don’t see them selling it anymore from your direct link. Does anyone here know where I can buy it?

Anyone here know if Alcover is still available? That site listed at the start of the thread no longer sells it.