HELP: Inflammation of tendons/tendinitis all over my body

Hey guys!

I have been suffering from PFS for 6 years now: all typical sexual and psychological symptoms.
But in addition to that, I suffer from tendinitis at several spots on my body and it gets worse and worse: knee, shoulder, fingers, foot.

No doctor has an explanation for that. All other medical reasons were excluded.

This is the worst symptom ever as it made me a handicapped guy: cannot walk long distance, cannot type at the computer, no sports!

(I didn’t take any fluorchinolone antibiotics)

Does anyone else of you have this symptom??? Am I the only PFS patient with these symptoms?

Any comments and help is very much appreciated!


Hey Mozart I have similar issues to you. They are one of the Symptoms that affect me the most.

Unfortunately I don’t have any advice, other than to keep moving as much as you can and listen to your body.


I get it too unfortunately. You are not alone.


I have all the samme heavy Pain and it get worser and worser…and stoppend for 12 Years…
the Body is so inflammed, i think that is MCAS… Mastcells

I get something related when I work out. I get a strange sore sensation followed by odd pain and muscle shakes

@Lino2340 @LazarusRy how severe is your tenditinis? Do several tendons hurt? Could you identify anything which makes the situation worse?
Some tendons started to hurt/be inflammed after usual daily activities and since then didnt get better. The strange thing is that the physicians sometimes cannot even see an inflammation but still I feel severe pain. I cannot even walk properly.
Do you have similiar symptoms?

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Yes the same, I can’t even lift a cup at times, the muscles cramp tendons pop whan I’m walking bone heads are painful everywhere and the connective tissue seems to be under attack. Food is a trigger for eating causes widespread inflammation it could be insulin resistance and disfunctional cortisol. I’m losing tissue and muscle as a consequence and have lost all strength.

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when started ur symtpons ? i have this symptons too.

I’ve had pfs over 20 years, the stuff I describe in this thread ramped up 6 years ago.

In relation to what you said about food, it’s the same with me, if I don’t eat I don’t feel these inflammations, but when I eat, the muscles are attacked and my body starts to become inflamed, as does my skin. It’s very weird. I agree with you that the issue of insulin resistance could be a cause, as well as cortisol… I will try to see and carry out tests on this insulin issue.

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My insulin levels are text book, pwrfect mo signs of pre diabetes yet I have every possible related symptom. Epigenetic…Same with cortisol numbers, readings are perfect yet I have every symptom of long standibg disfunctionaly high levels, same with testosterone etc etc iuntil we get a treatment the only way is to work on the body as though the numbers were out eg high cort, insulin resistant, low test through fasting, low inflammation diet etc stuff thats safer than playing with hormones. It’s a view and an aproach that’s kept me going.

My dream was to just have anhedonia or difficulty with erection or low libido.

Did you ever do a glucose load test? It’s possible to have normal fasting glucose but after you eat it goes to high.

I want to do it but it’s hard as we don’t have private care and it’s only pregnant women that do the test.

Hi, I completely recovered 4.5 years ago using DNRS and neuroplasticity techniques, but three months ago I crashed again after taking antibiotics in a moment of a lot of work related stress, and after having a whiplash with mTBI and an infection. This time my main problems are connective tissue fragility (some of my ligaments have even partially torn), plantar fasciitis, and muscle hypotonia and tightness. I have bone pain and inflammation in knees and ankles. Has anyone improved connective tissue issues? I cannot walk these days because of my ankle and knee problems. Also stomach pain that started immediately after taking the antibiotics (by the way, they were clarythromicin and amoxycilin, I had taken amoxycilin before without any problems, but in a moment when I wasn’t having any stress).

How are you doing @Mozart? Anyone has improved these kind of symptoms?

Hey Kan,
Havr you also recovered from erection and penile issues?

Hey there.
I have had the same exact issue. The pain was the worst in my knees, around elbows and around armpit area. What helped me is DIET. It is only effective as long as I stay on diet. For me it means avoiding a lot of food (including fruit and especially rice - which is weird I know). Try eating just meat and potatoes for a few days. If you are like me your pain will go away. After that u can try adding new foods and testing what affects you.

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So I found benefit with IGF-1 leucine, vit. B6, b12, nicotinamide riboside (1cp 100 mg) and a Mucuna tablet (dopamine precursor). Gel on atrophied muscles of Trofodermin ointment, of ketoprofen ointment on aching joints and vitamin d supplementation. After 9 months I’m starting to feel a little better even if I’ve had terrible pains for weeks and months that forced me into the house. Loss of body hair in the legs loss of strength and muscle atrophy slimming and fattening soft stools and constipation total cognitive and digestive difficulties inability to do everything. For a few weeks my hair has started to fall out a lot and my body seems to recover but I lost my job and my marriage after 15 years has gone up. I hope to be able to go out again in a few weeks. I went through the SSRIs they only made the situation worse. I did MRI, CT, EMG (2 times), a lot of blood tests, specialist visits, gastroscopy, X-ray lower limbs, a hell of 9 months where I thought only death could free me from this suffering now I see the light. I conclude by saying that in my opinion those who have tremors and fasciculations have a lack of Dopamine, which causes an LH block that blocks GH. This causes reduced anabolism with increased cortisol. Low testosterone and high cortisol generate depression and muscle catabolism and if joint and tendon protracted. I didn’t walk anymore I was stuck on the couch for weeks I couldn’t pee standing up … Now it’s better and I hope that in two/three months I’ll have recovered. I don’t recommend these products but I only represented what in my case is helping me.