HELP! Almost homeless, i need help right now

Hello everyone, long time no see…
Lately i did some improvements but i don’t want to talk about this right now…

One of my biggest issue Is my family… They don’t understand… I developed multiple chemical sensitivity so my life got worse and… My father sometimes kicked me out of home, other times i had to escape from that house to save my life… Sometimes they say they want to put me in a psychiatric hospital…

Now im almost a homeless… Tonight i slept in a friend’s car…
I need to rest, i Need to Cook my food, i Need to excercise, i Need to take a shower… I Need a clean environment without toxic cleaning agents or other chemical stuff…


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Stop being a scared person and listen to your body try everything that you think will cure you

Forget your family for now just cure yourself

Are you still able to drive? There are a lot of delivery jobs out there that someone with even the most severe brain fog could still do

I am so sorry I been in this boat before but luckily had my own space and was able to do things to protect myself from my chemical and EMF sensitivity issues. The medical communities currently don’t really understand conditions like these and usually things like this happen, I can only pray in our lifetimes that they are finally understood and able to be treated properly. My MCS and EMF sensitivity both came together and hit me lighting one day, so they have an obvious mechanism of action. I actually remember the day things went under for my nervous system, then after that my life was a nightmare until I could get my environment under control. Like someone else said if you can at least still drive you could probably do something with that, I get where I work so many grocery delivery people every day and they seem to hire anyone that can simply do the job. If you can at least get some money in you’d probably be able to room with someone and have money to spare for what you need.

edit - Read some more of your posts and you have the same general story as me with the mold toxicity before this all started. I’m sure that’s where mine started from too, my old place was so bad that you’d feel sick if you just stuck your head in the closet. I was the only one effected to the degree that I got something like this, my mother and father who lived in the same place were completely fine. Guess you could say that this was the -pre-disaster before my Saw Palmetto disaster.

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I can drive but i have this low stress tolerance… It’s hard to me to make more things, keep many things in mind, scheduling appointements… And then there’s the sensitivity to chemicals…
I don’t know what kind of work i could do that Is pfs and mcs compatible…

Someone suggested that i should try a lawsuit against my parents… I don’t know… I think It would be fair but what about the stress? Would my body and mind tolerate the stress coming from a lawsuit or would this make me feel even worse or even kill me?

I work with and touch nasty stuff all the time at work, you just gotta deal with it if you want money. No matter what I get now I’m always gonna be exposed to something making my immune and nervous system go a bit nuts. I’m trying to get a new job right now and have a couple things that might work out, my next one if I get hired is a cleaner person. I realize how disasterous it’ll be but what choice do I have. The other I’m waiting on is working in a cafeteria which I’ll also be exposed to harmful things in though not as much as the cleaning position (it’s also full time which is what I’m going for, the cleaning thing is just going to be security so I at least have a job as my current store doesn’t have more than a couple years at most left in it and you can bet before the very end most of us are gonna get cut to almost nothing). My current store also got in a new register system and the increase in EMF radiation is definitely making me sicker after each shift which is also why I really want out now too. it’s one of those newer all in one monitor/computer combos with modern processors and almost no shielding, luckily they’re not very powerful and just enough to run the POS system but they still hurt.

I don’t think a lawsuit would work when you don’t have many resources, though I am no one to talk to anything legal about about. Anything legal or heavily financial are probably my weakest points, it’s like trying to understand an alien language. The stress of various situations in my life especially the job one right now is destroying my health, it doesn’t take much normal stress to throw my already dysregulated crappy body out of whack. My brain never shuts up, if it’s worried about something it just keeps going until it’s resolved.

I’m homeless myself but I also have preexisting conditions that I get SSI for.
Just waiting for subsidized housing now.
Maybe you could get one of the Pfs Drs to diagnose you and file for disability?

Sorry to hear you’re still struggling.

I would personally say that irreparably damaging your relationship with your family with a court case is probably going to be more stressful than just getting a job. I’m not familiar with Italian law but I would think, generally speaking, that a court are unlikely to consider you a dependent, so I’m not sure you have much of a case.

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Please start Andy Cutler Chelation…There is FB group…I have been doing it for 5 years now and that is the only thing that helped me get rid of EMF sensitivity…I saw multiple chemical sensitivity go away in the first 3 months…

How long were you on ACC, I been down that long expensive road before and I may have gotten some more cognitive and mental clarity out of it but that was it. I don’t really regret it and it did slightly drop my EMF sensitivity down but not by very much. I was on 3 years with it and could handle the max dose of all chelators before I threw in the towel on it. My EMF sensitivity still continues to be the biggest thorn in my side in my life since enjoying so much is either off limits or strictly limited. Like if I go over a family members place and we’re using their big screen TV and playing games I will be messed up for an entire day afterwards but can handle the short term exposure of that level. Though short exposures in really high EMF environments can completely cripple me for at least a couple days mentally and in many ways physically. Places like if I need to go to the cell phone store, video game stores, a lot office buildings (like the place I go downtown for therapy in is an absolute EMF nightmare, I had to stop going to one of the groups because the room we gathered in deep in the building was so bad it felt like my brain had been microwaved after every meet up). Work is also a struggle for me but luckily nowhere I work requires that constant use of wireless systems and the POS systems generally aren’t too bad. I feel them but it’s not going to kill me because they typically aren’t too high powered. I wouldn’t wish this condition on my worst enemy. The only thing I know about mine is that it had to have been caused by or made noticeably worse anyways by some chemical exposure at work and handling a lot of dirty coins for hours on end with my previous vulnerabilities from living in a mold toxic home and being predisposed to neurological insults from the environment.

Have you done the ACC by the book?

I have been doing it for almost 5 years now…

How’s your diet? I eat a very strict diet of Veggies, Meat and Rice. Thats it…No Sugar/Wheat/Dairy…
Strict diet is the basis for every progress we can make with these symptoms…

If you can’t stick with the strict diet…Don’t even try anything else…

Also turn OFF the WIFI Router before you sleep…

Yeah I did it by the book supplement wise, My diet is just that unless I eat out occasionally, almost never even have gluten anymore. I wish I could but I’m not in total control of the router here so I can’t just disable the wifi and only use my ethernet, my computer has no wifi receiver in it so it’s also not signalling out or catching any signals even when it’s not being used. I’m also in a unit where I’m surrounded by everyone else’s wifi too.

Try to get natural Vit D from the sun if possible…
Stop taking extra Iron,Calcium,Magnesium supplements… Better get nutrition from food…

Yeah I found out something that was secretly making my situation much worse. I was eating almost every other day rice that was enriched that had iron, folate, thiamine, and niacin. I was having above the small base serving size every time I was consuming it too, giving me unusually large amounts of them in these likely artificial forms at that. My head is now much more clear and less brain burny, in fact it’s better at all times now than it has been in the past year. Switched to brown rice and haven’t had any issues at all with it. Check those diets people you could be unknowingly supplementing with things through sneaky enriched foods too.


Glad to hear I am able to help you…