Hello from Spain, here is my story after quiting Propecia in

Hello there!

I just updated the test blood on my first post, the new results as of January 21st are as follows:

LH: 1,60 (1,40 -7,70)
FSH: 1,50 (1,50 - 14,00)
PROLACTINE: 4,6 ng/mL (<15,0)
FREE TESTOSTERONE: 12,60 pg/mL (5,60 - 27,00)
17 - HIDROXIPROGESTERONE: 1,85 ng/mL (0,20 - 1,80)
TSH: 2,77 uUI/mL (0,35 - 5,50)
FREE T4: 1,42 ng/dL (0,72 - 2,20)

I’m very happy with these results so far as LH and FSH are above limits for first time in almost 5 years.
Prolactin was brought down by taking cabergoline from 38,8 in october to 4,6 ng/mL. I’ll keep on taking 1/2 pill on monday and thursdays.
17 - Hidroxyprogesterone: There is a drop from 2,10 to 1,85. High values though.
TSH: Came back within range again.
Free Testosterone: I’m glad to see here it went up from 7,59 to 12,60pg/mL

So far good numbers in all values after taking Dostinex. Next test: 24 hour urine panel for Cortisol.

Hi there,

here are my results on a 24hour urine panel for Cortisol.

Free Cortisol / Urine
Diuresis - 800 mL (700 -3.000)
Quimioluminiscencia: 33,92 ug/ 24h (12,80 - 82,50)

After taking Dostinex I have to say that my libido has increased a lot. However I don’t react correctly to stress. I think it has to deal with the adrenal fatigue. Any comments?

thank you

Here is an update. Cabergoline is making the numbers show within range one more time.

Prolactine: 3,8 ng/mL (<15,0)
Free Testosterone: 11,70 pg/mL (5,60 - 27,00)
17-Hidroxiprogesterone: 1,79 ng/mL (0,20 - 1,80)
TSH. 1,89 nUI/mL (0,35 - 5,50)
LH: 2,17 mUI/mL (1,40 - 7,70)
FSH: 1,85 mUI/mL (1,50 - 14,00)
17- Beta Estradiol 25,3 pg/mL. <56,0

There is an increase of Estradiol that I’ll try to reduce by DIM or something similar.

Such a high prolactine has kept my lh and fsh “locked” for more than 4 years. Now slowly are all the numbers going back to normal. It’s the first time that 17-Hidroxyprogesterone gives a number withing range - 1,79 ng/mL (0,20 - 1,80). In october was 2,10 and my endo thought I could have some kind of adult adrenal hyperplasia.

I’m trying to reduce estrogens as they are also coming from numbers bellow 20 and they are going up. I have the feeling that Propecia changed my t/e ration in favor of e.

Cortisol is fine, as you (solonjk) recommended I did a 24hours urine test and the results were 33,92 ug/ 24h (12,80 - 82,50).

So far I can say that the hyperprolactinemia can reduce tremendously testosterone production as well as interfere with lh,fsh, 17-Hidroxyprog.
After treating it i have improved a lot on my sexual sides now I’m focusing on my mental ones, but overall I feel much better.

dmartinez144, how are you feeling now? Can you give me an update? My bloodtests showed that my prolactine levels where way too high. They where double over the max for a man. even above normal range for a woman.

I was hoping to get some news from you to see if this treatment has cured you permanently. If so, Ill talk to my doctor about this. How are your estrogen levels? Have they climed some more? Are you still experiencing problems?

How was your semen before the treatment and how is it now?


I think dmartinez144 got recovered that is why he has not put any update?

Just bumping this in the hope that Dmartinez can provide an update.

Based on his last post, things were going well!

Not sure if others have tried the Dostinex for our symptoms.

This is an interesting recovery. Someone with what sounded like quite serious issues, and just addressing his hormone abnormality resolved his issues.

Hello DMartinez, I’m Daviddoff from Madrid, I’d like to find some way of being in contact with you. My case is apparently similar to yours, with a very high range of prolactine. I’m a quite a bit lost with this matter, I haven’t found any endocrinologist yet who has treated my case. Please, any way of contact to you would be really appreciated, Thank you very much.

what endo did you go?

Hello again.

I have been quite away for quite while.
I would like to share with all of you my recent bloodwork and some insights about how am I feeling.
I quited Dostinex (Cabergolin) treatment in mid 2010 and my last results show that prolactine has climbed again and lh and fsh has gone down.
Next week I have an appointment with a new endo, let’s see what he thinks.
Dostinex treatment went really well on me and I improved a lot, specially in sex drive. But after 4 years without taking any other medicine, prolactine is high again. I have never been fully recovered and right now I start feeling worst.

FSH 0.99 mU/mL 0.7 - 11.1 mU/mL
LH 0.73 mU/mL 0.8 - 7.6 mU/mL
PROLACTIN 25.99 ng/mL 1.61 - 18.77 ng/mL
TOTAL TESTOSTERON 4.59 ng/mL 2.86 - 15.1 ng/mL