How many guys here have adopted a regular lifting schedule? Ive been lifting heavily atleast once a week. I have some benefits, but not very much net muscle gain. Some days i look big, some days my muscles look small. But i plan on continuing bc atleast i feel pretty damn good after i lift, and the next day or so. How have you improved, or not improved from heavy lifting?
Also my forearms, wrists, and hands seem alot smaller, less manly looking. Hoping this improves after some time of regular lifting.
Not even an option for me since I lost so much muscle in my arms. I did try some work with dumb bells but it just caused strains and pains and seemingly no gains.
For the next 7 months, I have absolutely no responsibilities. I will be VERY aggressively exercising. I plan on eating and going to the gym with the sole purpose of building as much muscle as possible. I will report back if this helps at all.
I am two years off of the drug and I still lift weights. I know for a fact it is very capable of improving mood and libido. Maybe the results aren’t quite as profound as they used to be (in my first year off of Propecia), but then I should probably do it more regularly. With me, I often feel delayed benefits as well. In fact, sometimes it makes my brain much foggier immediately afterwards, but I end up feeling better later in the day as a result, or as you said, the next day. Whatever happens hormonally, it sometimes feels like things bottom out for a few hours, only to bounce back higher than when you started. I believe it is very beneficial, without question. Stick with it. However, there could be a fine line between the right amount and overdoing it. Try to find your limits.
I might have over did it saturday. I worked out like pre fin for a good hour. But now my muscles are not sore, but look really small. I look skinny as shit with saggy fat. Most of the time i look more built after a decent workout. Idk im truly confused as to what to do.
Would anyone say theyve gotten into good shape (muscle wise)? I feel like im close, but ofcourse not like i used to be. My shoulders were my biggest muscles. The loss of upper body muscle mass has been significant.
I got into very good shape about 2 to 3 years after taking the poison. I know it affects us all differently, but I know in at least some cases it’s possible. Read Super Squats. It recommends squatting without a belt which is fine, if you know what you’re doing. If you’re not experienced, start with the belt. More useful information on getting big than you’re going to find everywhere else combined. I mean that literally, it’s a cheap book and the knowledge is priceless. Do not work out too much. I know most people work out too much and it’s even easier to do in the state we are in.
I picked up lifting again and I’m making great gains lifting 2 hours a month. Eat enough protein. You will not gain if you’re not eating enough protein. When I was at my strongest I needed 300 grams a day, which honestly got old. You still need at least a gram of protein per pound of lean body weight, which is a bare minimum. Less than that, you’re simply not going to build any significant amount of muscle. Get enough sleep. The only supplements you should need is a quality daily vitamin and amino acids if you’re eating well. I don’t think our bodies are up for all the pro hormones and such. Lastly, just read that book and your golden. Do those simple steps and it will put you ahead of just about all but the “enhanced” and maybe even ahead of some of them if you get serious. Good luck.
If you feel like your muscles are looking small, you can also try a good creatine. They recommend a loading phase and taking it every day. I’m trying to minimize the stuff that’s going into my body, so I just take it about a half hour before I lift and I feel like I benefit from it. I probably should of included that in my first post. I’ll blame it on being tired, time for bed.
good to hear. Yes I will continue lifting. I always do squats. Im taking creatine, but Im about to stop all supplements because I have my third hormone panel being done in January. I want to be off supplements for a few weeks.
I recommend taking D-Ribose powder or tablets instead, if you have a weight lifting regime.
It works at cellular level and helps muscle recovery.
Not a cure for PFS, but may help you recover faster and build muscle after workouts.
Taking creatine because you want to look bigger or feel stronger after pfs is a really dumb idea. Taking creatine while suffering pfs was one of the worst decisions Ive made. (besides taking propecia in the first place that is). My body is extremely sensitive to outside stimulus, which is one of the reasons I think I was permanently effected by propecia in the first place. Your body is already in a fragile state. Adding creatine which even for a fully healthy person is hard on ones body and liver is not smart. It did give me a positive boost for about 2 weeks but then I crashed and it started giving me side effects which I didn’t have before. Mental side effects like brain fog, caused constipation in poo pellets, severe insomnia and it stopped my body being able process alcohol. When I stopped taking it the brain fog went away but the other side have remained and its been over a year. Adding something that is hard on your already fragile body is not the right plan for long term health. At least that’s been my experience anyway. Take it for what you will.
Thanks for this feedback! Im pleased at my current workout progress. Im really hoping to put back on a good bit of muscle in the next few months. I think i have to find that sweet spot of regular lifting without over doing it. Id love to hear from any other guys who had success with weight training. I think the body is capable of responding to workouts even in our condition.
Creatine isn’t for muscle recovery. It is a muscle cell volumizer, it helps water get into your muscles. I have never tried d-ribose, but amino acids are for recovery and just good for you in general. Ribose is also an energizer, which I’m not sure exactly how, but anything like that tends to put stress on the adrenals. I wouldn’t recommend taking that in place of amino’s, but I know it can be stacked. I seriously doubt creatine can cause serious side effects, especially when I said I’m only taking before I lift, which is once a week. If you take too many aspirin that will have side effects as well. Taking amino’s daily along with creatine on my lift day is what works for me, not everybody is the same, but they’re about as proven as it gets.
Yes, it’s all about balance. I’m confident taking creatine once a week isn’t hurting me. Less is usually more, supplements and lifting. Pick your supplements wisely and lift well.
Yeah… I’m still responsive to exercise and diet. Getting into serious shape again right now… find that this is revving up my libido but no major improvements in my biggest sides (numbness, pelvic discomfort, frequent urination) thus far.
Planning to add hot yoga to the mix soon. I will fucking transform myself into a whole different human being if I must in order to do my level best to beat this thing.
Keep pushing scared… good luck.
Try not to focus too much on day-to-day results… you’ll go crazy picking yourself apart bro. Try and gauge your progress on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Also just to clarify… any reason you’re working out only once a week? It can be a productive way to train but you may be able to get some quicker gains with more training days. What is your nutrition and rest like?
YES!!! do it man
I would even say look at month to month, or 2 months etc. My darkest days were weeks following the initial crash comming off the drug, somethings have improved. Some out of nowhere. Keep your head up and push foward…everyone!
Been doing dumbells, pushups, light workouts in morning. Keeping me tight i guess.
Kind of strange, after my major crash after stopping the drug almost two years ago, the weight lifting would almost always (at least initially) cause me to get very brain fogged and a little depressed, while cardio would often get me feeling better. Nowadays, I respond the opposite. I still lift weights pretty regularly, and it does not fog me up (can definitely help me feel better sometimes), but the intense cardio can mess with my head. I play basketball twice a week, and it’s always intense. Lots of times I feel worse afterwards, but I do not care. It is a passion that I have not given up on, and will not until I am physically unable to. But I have to say, my energy levels are generally very good while playing. Even if I’m mentally fatigued and on poor sleep, I surprise myself the way I can still get out there and run around.