Heart query/views

I’ve had erratic BP for approx 4 years now along with occasional thumping chest Lost balance yesterday morning on getting up. Last night I woke to a crushing pain in my sternum area felt like the heart,it was accompanied by tingling in the left arm which are heart failure symptoms. Lost balance again when getting up felt light headed too I’ve deteriated rapidly across all areas in the last 2,3 years inclusive of global tissue loss, god knows what’s going on internally. I’ve had my heart checked out along with everything else many many times. Pointless going again as it has since settled. My question is does anyone else get this symptom and if so has it been ongoing. Just worried my number maybe about up considering all of the continued widespread damage.

Have you done an heart effort test? Are you following up your BP? Do you have sleep apnea? Are you overweight? Are you using pde5’s at large doses? Are you able to sleep? Have you been fasting top frequently too long? Can you manage your stress? Are you exercising? Do you consume too much salt, caffeeine, tea?
Any of these might make you feel something wrong with your BP and therefore your heart.

I had two episodes of erratic heart rythm - one when my mom got ill clashed with country and job change, second whem my apnea got too bad…Fixed stress and the apnea and started running again and all good now…

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Thanks needacure. I’ve been told I’m very healthy, my lifestyle/weight is textbook and put down to stress as bloods, ECG normal. No recent fasting. I don’t drink tea or coffee, stress is high as a result of damaged receptors not lifestyle. likely the heart is damaged too hence the question.

I did some investigation when I had BP issues recently…I could not find any strong references correlating androgens with heart health…As long as you dont have existing chronic heart problems you should be safe. Low T etc increases cardiovascular disease risk slightly, if cardiologist could not find anything obviously wrong you should be safe. Do long walks and try running if you can. Moderate exercise is an adoptogen for the heart.

Do not want to sound like a smartarse here and you probably know thinking negatively about your current/future health is a self fulfilling prophecy. Anxiety about potential future health issues and general Medidation is the best cure.

I hope you get through the rough patch…


Cheers mate

If you’ve had heart damage, an echocardiogram (echo) should detect it i believe.

I’ve also had a decrease in exercise tolerance and i suffer from occasional chest pain, elevated heart rate, and arrhythmia. most heart tests have turned out normal.

I’ve also used ru58841 for a short period of time.

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