Heart muscle affected by PFS

I’m not sure if there has been much talk about the heart muscle here but I for one can absolutely vouch that this muscle has been affected by Finasteride. How do I know? Well I’m an avid runner, been running for the best part of my life, can say with certainty it doesn’t pump blood as efficiently around the body under intensive cardio exercise anymore, it feels as if it is dead but still beating when I used to run my heart would be pumping blood throughout my body at a rapid pace depending on intensity and I used to get that “runners high” unfortunately not the case anymore as I began getting extreme chest pains. Also to note my ECG has came back irregular numerous times whilst I was in hospital.


I believe that goes right along with the muscle atrophy or muscle problems that PFS brings on. I used to try and run and it did the same thing.

What’s often talked about is not really the extent of symptoms recorded here, as conversations are most frequently quite circular without much room for appreciation of individuals symptoms (‘theories’, therapies etc). Heart problems symptoms are sadly well reported across the forum. I’m sorry to hear you are also having rhythm abnormalities - my pfs symptoms include intermittent arrhythmia. It’s one of the more acutely disabling.

Glad to hear you check in and hope you’re managing as best you can.

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I have exactly the same symptoms. My resting heart rate is between 38-42 BPM yet I can only run for about 5 minutes before a painful bronchospasm kicks in. My pulse is also considerably weaker than it once was and is very tough to detect. It’s probably the most concerning side effect of all.

Has any of you seen a cardiologist?

I had a singular ECG a few weeks back which came back relatively normal but ECG’s often need to be done repeatedly to give an accurate reflection of a condition because they can provide false positive results. The specialist acknowledged my bradycardia but said it is of no concern in “young and fit individuals”. Young I might be, but in no way am I fit lmao.

I plan to investigate it further but like most people my hands are tied as of now with the ongoing pandemic.

I’ve suffered from intermittent chest pain, occassional arrythmia. Also, As I mentioned in a separate thread I seem to have an exercise intolerance. Any sort of intense physical exercise seems to put me in a really fatigued state. I’ve also gone through periods of high tachycardia from the simplest things like going up the stairs.

I’ve had multiple heart exams done; stress test, heart monitor worn for 2 weeks, ecg’s, echo’s. They all came back normal.

I’ve used RU58841 for a month or so before starting finasteride, so I believe that may have played a role in my symtpoms as well.

Ive had all of these as well. It was concluded that this is not a heart issue.
There were a few abnormalities though. I’ll have to look back on my results.
I do know the echocardiogram was fine so was the heart monitor.
I think it would be safe to say the heart can be affected but its not a heart issue at its core.

Always be sure to check your test notes online
ekg-12 Lead

I’ve read of complaints regarding heart issues after usage of RU before so it’s very positive that your tests returned normal results.

If you don’t mind me asking man do you experience any ‘heart’ related symptoms? Are you able to exercise? Specifically cardio exercises such as running or cycling.

Yes I have. Im trying to find the results of my heart stress test (they put you on a treadmill)
I remember my max capacity being good, but that my heart rate shot way up as soon as I started exercising. What felt like heart issues were pretty bad at one point, thats why I went through with all of these rather expensive time consuming tests.
It seems to be something that can come and go as far as tolerance.
Im a skinny guy btw 160lbs 6’1 just to give an idea of my body type.

Thanks for that man. Like you say it doesn’t appear to be a heart issue that you’re suffering from which is certainly good news. Also the fact you’ve improved in that regard is a cause for positivity. Hopefully there are more improvements down the road.

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I have. I’m also a runner but they told me my heart is normal. I wanted to laugh…there’s nothing normal about a sudden irregular heart beats and then close to passing out. I don’t care what anyone says.

I also get rapid heart rate and high blood pressure that fluctuates, seems to be getting better with time, one of the worst feelings for sure.

Well I feel that Im not out of the woods with this aspect of PFS if you want to call it that.
Its good to stay aware and I think any effect on the heart could be rapid in how it could vary.
The most recent post by Spawn#1 is a good example.
Some are having high blood pressure and a rapid heart rate, while some might have a heart rate that becomes so low it might literally stop.
Both can be dangerous.
My resting heart rate seems to go from 0 to 100 just moving around, or 70 to 100.
I also think there can be a chance of blood vessel remodeling, where the body or blood vessels adapt.
I like your positivity though. Im a glass is half full kind of guy myself.

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I suspect my heart conditions are correlated to the hormonal situation going on in my body.

I shouldn’t be spouting any theories here, but I am fairly certain the heart also contains Androgen Receptors.

I feel my symptoms are all appear in the same period. My recent sexual crash was preceded by a return of my chest pains, occassional arryhtmia, and poor bowel movements.

I have found that the 3-in-1 Magnesium helps with my heart symptoms but it very well could be a placebo.

And as noted in my previous message, I am not able to engage in any intense cardio activity (sprints, soccer, intense biking). I can manage to do mild intensity, longer exercises.

I hope, in the future, if we crack the hormonal mystery, along with the resolution of my sexual symptoms, so will my exercise intolerance.

My BP is erratic with a very slow pulse. Prior it was text book. I used to think anxiety was driving it. I can still do some weight training but my heart pounds through my chest with little exertion. Exercise is one of the few things left so I need to keep it going. Omega 3 can be beneficial but it doesn’t agree with everyone.

My heart and cardiovascular system are f*cked as far as I can tell. I’ve been having the same problems since mid-February when experienced what felt like an actual heart attack (and probably was, but was too mild to appear on a blood test. There are minor heart attacks that leave scar tissue that can only be detected with an MRI).

I frequently experience the following, sometimes a combination of two or more, other times only one:
-Tight and heavy chest
-Pain in left arm or upper back or chest or neck or throat
-Persistent nausea, usually after eating
-Weak and low energy
-Poor ability to exercise (I can’t really sprint like I used to be able to)
-Light headed and faint if I stand up after sitting or laying down

How is @skindiesel doing? Any admin know? He seems inactive and i have same symptom (low heart rest rate)