Healthy Attitudes for People with PFS

There is so much negativity and self pity on this forum that I think we really need to discuss what is a healthy way to deal with this condition. I’ve made a lot of progress on this over the past two years so I want to share some of my successes and discuss ideas with others. Mentality and attitude is everything and if you have a bad attitude you will drive yourself into the ground which is what happens to some that commit suicide here.

  • Instead of thinking of yourself as a victim, think of yourself as somebody who’s doing your best to survive.

  • It is true that we all got fucked by Merck, but it not just useless but harmful to dwell on this fact. It is up to us to take responsibility of our bad luck and move forward as best we can.

  • Super successful people have faced serious setbacks, but it was not just their resilience, but their ability to bounce back even further that made them successful.

  • I really liked the book “Getting There” by Zoe Segel. It’s a bunch of interviews of hyper successful people talking about the darkest periods in their lives. Craig Venger, a scientist who invented a rapid method of gene sequencing, was in the process of drowning himself before he turned back and became a huge success.

  • It’s normal to feel anger and even hate. I haven’t figured out how to deal with this very well, so I suggest reaching out to a psychologist (prob male) to help you through this. I got through this by literally anonymously screaming at some of the people that were involved in this on Twitter and found it was therapeutic. One of them hasn’t tweeted in two months after me.

  • There are probably healthier ways to deal with the anger, but that worked for me. I now see this as a problem of the system and will literally make it a life goal to see if I can change the system rather than work to get back at specific people.

  • Recognize that the likelihood of getting legal revenge or otherwise on Merck is almost nil. This is just another fault of the system so just move past this. The world just isn’t perfect but if you regain your strength you can make the world better.

  • I have tried all the medications and hormone treatments that I possibly could and they didn’t work. I think this is because hormones and neurosteroids affect multiple biological systems so it unfortunately isn’t likely to be as easy as just taking the right hormone supplement. But maybe that will work for some.

  • I completely support trying alternative / holistic medicine that basically seeks to reregulate the PNEI (psychoneuroendoimmune system). PFS seems to affects hormones and the nervous system so something like acupuncture literally may be helpful for regulation. Don’t knock it because it isn’t scientific. Scientific medicine is what got us here. I tried acupuncture for some other nerve related issues I had this year and found I had short term improvement in sexual function.

  • Improving your confidence definitely boosts hormone function. The more dominant you become, the more testosterone you have. You can do this through obvious ways by boosting your strength and physique at the gym, developing hobbies, doing well at work.

  • Obviously, these things are very difficult with PFS, but with the right attitude and motivation and consistency, you can make a lot more progress than you think. I’ve been in NYC for 10 years now after developing PFS and I was reflecting on how ineffective I was when I first arrived, and its astounding how much I’ve changed since then. Even 5 years. If I knew where I would be today, I wouldn’t have absolutely hated my life back then.

  • Although PFS obviously isn’t psychosomatic, I think it can be reregulated with the right environmental conditions. I wont’ say much about this yet because I’m still working on it but will update if I succeed.