
Does anyone get headaches with their PFS?

I’ve had them in the last few days for more or less the first time. Seems to have coincided with a general worsening including stiffer joints and even my first hot flash since crashing. I suspect it’s to do with estrogen dominance.

I hope this goes away as frequent physical pain is about the only thing I have avoided so far.

Yes, I get them. Definately much more often than before.

yes, bad, bad headaches, very different from the kind of headache i would get before finasteride … terrible

The headaches have gotten worse for me also. I’ve pretty much hade a constant headache (varying in intensity) for the past 8 months or so. I find that laying down / closing my eyes helps. Stress and getting sick seem to set the headaches into overdrive.

Joint pains and joint popping have sprung up over the past 5 months or so. I get really bad cracking coming from my upper back and neck. My ring fingers on both sides hurt and are inflamed.

Hand x-rays, arthritis / inflamation blood testing came back normal.

If I could just stop getting worse… that would be fantastic. Fun fun fun.