HcG users (or other LH mimicking substances) ??



pmgamer is on messorx as u know him. He was on trt for 23 years and got his balls about the size of rasins. used 500 IU 3X/wk and got an increase of 600 in total T. I put some posts about HCG u should read them. the only problem for some people is anti-bodies but u can use synthetic one.
DavidZ is on HCG for about 10 years and Leanguy is also on monotherap HCG.
what is ur total T and LH , FSH etc.



I used HCG for about 4.5 weeks. Initially, for the first two weeks I felt a significant improvement in strength, Mild sexual improvements and better overall sense of well being. After the 2nd week most of it’s effect on me was much weaker. I have read on most sites that cycling it is best. If you are using it by itself, not to use for more than month before reusing it again as it well lose it’s effectiveness.

My feeling regarding HCG is it is a good idea for guys who are chosing to use TRT or Androgel, but beyond that it’s not the answer for most. You should try to get to the source of the problem, otherwise it’s simply a bandaid trying to cover a larger problem.

Is your LH low because you have a some other problem going on: pituitary problem, Growth Horomone problem, a thyroid problem, etc?

THis your blood panel from back in 2007. Your Free T3 is low man. Forget what your TSH level is this not a reliable indicator for a potential thyroid problem.

You should consider having a TRH test done. It’s the most sensative test available for determing if you have a problem with your thyroid. You can also get a Reverse T3 test done as another option to determine if your thyriod is the source of your problem.

stopthethyroidmadness.com/ts … s-useless/


Do yourself a favor look into this and at least determine if you can eliminate this as your problem, before trying any other medications. FYI, I was told by one doctor that I did not have a thyroid problem, only to go to another have the TRH test done and discover that I did have an underactive thyroid.

I’m certainly not saying we all have a thyroid problem, but there have been more than a few of us that do. It doesn’t seem as though you have eliminated this as a possible problem.