Have you tried Fadogia Agrestis?

Have you tried Fadogia Agrestis and did it help?
I saw this clip https://youtu.be/bJWmJo3w_0Y?t=321
Also this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm41Wnuk8hk&t=92s

Seems like the effect it has is to raise testosterone.

Raising testosterone is not a treatment that works for pfs.

It can be.

Two years ago when I liftde dumbbells I would get libido, now it wears me out possibly.

It depends on where your body is at the time. Blanket statements like “raising testosterone is not a treatment that works for pfs” are false.

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I think the nuance isn’t that important. The more than ten years of posts here where people have raised testosterone has not delivered a treatment that can be reliably followed.

If raising testosterone was the right thing to do (and it makes some people here worse, let’s not forget) the best thing to do is unlikely to do it via a poorly studied supplement versus a controlled dose of testosterone where people could find the right amount to use.

So for those who want to roll the dice and see if testosterone makes them better / worse / has no effect, it’s probably a conversation to have with a doctor.


Raising it via other means like cycling supplements and exercise has worked.

Where you are spot on is that 5ari usage is dangerous.

To be clear, some people have seen benefit from raising testosterone. Some have been made worse, some have seen no effect. For some the effect has not been able to be maintained.

Doctors know how to raise testosterone by specific amounts.

There is no need to find new ways to raise testosterone, especially poorly studied supplements. Supplements also have the problem of inconsistency where you cannot be sure how strong a dose you are getting.

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This is so wrong. Raising TEST can definitely work and even cure people.

But it don’t only raise testosterone but it should work similarly as hCG.
“Fadogia agrestis is the only natural ingredient that can be considered as the best substitute for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)”

Do you know people who have gone worse after hCG @Greek?

I think you are equating the concepts of “feeling good” and “recovering”.
I’m not sure these are the same in our case, especially since many people have claimed to feel better temporarily after doing something that at the end worsened their condition.

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Comprehension failure, once again.