Have you had a history of stomach/bowel/digestion issues?

[Size=4]Prior to, or after finasteride use, have you had any history of stomach/bowel issues?[/size]
Things like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, frequency/urgency of bowel movements, upset stomach, GERD, pain, nausea?

If so, can you elaborate on which symptoms you had and how you treated them? (Pepto? Tums? Prilosec? Fiber pills? Diet? Nothing?)

Also, can you describe your general diet history? (The more detail, the better).
I used to eat a lot of fast food, I’m now a vegetarian.
I’ve always eaten a little of everything (pasta, meat, vegetables).
I was a vegetarian, now I’m on the paleo diet.
I used to not eat veggies, I now incorporate more.
I used to eat XYZ, now I only eat ABC.

I’m trying to make a connection between gut/immune health/digestion/nutrition. I’m not necessarily looking for causation, just any association.


No digestive issues prior to finasteride. I now have issues with constipation, intestinal pains, bloating, have had blood in the stool.

No digestive issues prior to finasteride. Now excessive gas, bloating, acid reflux, and sometimes vomiting. I’ve tried Tums, greek yogert and probiotics which help very little. Seems when I eat something it just “sits there” and doesnt digest.

I have constant upset stomach while on SP, very nasty farts. still fighting with my weak guts. I am on anti-ulcer meds now for the last year. I cant stop them.

constipation, occasionally hemmroids

i noticed difficulties in evacuation (i never had that issue)
so i don’t know if i have to relate it to fina

No prior issues to finasteride, and still no real issues although my stool has never been the same since I crashed, and I often find it hard to relieve myself extcreting. Both of these issues could be caused by hormone/ thyroid type problems though.



Not really. Had an episode of constipation last year. Lasted about two weeks.

I am currently suffering from pretty bad constipation problems, a problem which did not manifest itself until a few months after quitting finasteride.
I am taking an ayurmedic treatment called triphala, some califig (syrup of figs) both of which seem to be helping somewhat.

My diet in the past has generally been normal and I don’t smoke or drink.

I always feel bloated and have put on a considerable amount of weight. It is very difficult to lose weight. Sometimes I get uncontrollable hunger desires from my mouth. Its hard to explain but the hunger comes from my mouth not my stomach, if that makes sense to anyone. But definately bloating in the stomach area. Even from the smallest amount of food will blow up my stomach. Weird isn’t??

Have had issues before and they still apply, namely constipation and a pretty bad one aswell. It got even worse after my crash. I can relate to what someone said about food just sitting there and not digesting. I feel bloated all the time. I always feel that I have loads of stuff coming out but it’s just so hard that it comes out in tiny bits. Because of that, I never feel empty.

Fairly accurate description of what I have. Also alot of bloating and weight gain. Even if I fast I’m still uncomfortabley bloated.

Yes the bloating is really strange… I get full so quick now. Almost never eat more than once or twice a day.

Yes - bloating, weight gain, rumbling stomach and gas all since crashing and none of any note beforehand. The last two only seem to occur in the morning or around the house thankfully, I noticed magnesium helped these annoying rumblings. Also on and off constipation.

I’ve read these gastrointestinal type problems are another symptom of androgen deprivation and/or estrogen dominance, so no surprise really.

Yeah no surprise that when my test levels were sky high (off the normal limits) my stools formed just fine, the body temp and all correlated. Now that my test levels are lower and body temp lower I have constipation. It’s all connected… what kind of magnesium are you taking and how much?

I had an itchy A-hole for awhile. There would be blood -little dots- on TP when I wiped. This has cleared up though. I notice my stools are different color since crash and also star shaped as if there is pressure on them causing them to be flattened.

None before. None after.

I have a theory. Most of your serotonin receptors are in your gut, not your brain. Your intestines are really your second brain. Methinks fin altered brain chemistry system wide, which is why so many of us have anxiety/depression issues with IBS. I’ve found a high fat/protein and low carb diet reduces these symptoms. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds also help. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to improve my gut and mental health. In the past few weeks I’ve added more minerals to my diet (notably zinc). I also upped my antidepressant a bit. Something clicked. I’m finally feeling some relief.

If you haven’t, I’d check out diaphragmatic breathing techniques. These can release a lot of the pressure you may be feeling around your abdomen.